Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Yoga happy hours and events

Last week I offered three different happy hour yoga sessions.  One was more of a private session at a woman's home and the other two were at the park and the Jazzercise studio (respectively) I had no idea what to expect.  Only that I was determined to stay the course.  

It is crazy how powerful the subconscious mind is, creating doubt, fear, insecurities.  Nonstop.  I wake up, frequently, with those doubts swirling around my brain.  Am I doing the right thing?  Will I be able to attract more clients?  How do I stay relevant?  How am I competing with other activities?  Should I return to my comfortable job of working for others?

It is easy to get in that rut.  Then, I consider what are my priorities.  Mostly, I love having a flexible schedule where I am able to travel and see loved ones or arrange meet ups with friends. I value time over everything else in my life.  Creating experiences.  And I know that money will always be there.  I can always find a job (if necessary).  I hesitate to take a more traditional job due to conflicts with yoga clients.  I want to be able to offer classes throughout the day--early, midday, happy hour sessions.  The priority is to share yoga and expand my community of people.  I walked into a coffee shop near Park Hill last week.  I wanted them to post a flier for me and the kid behind the counter recognized my flier and mentioned that he hoped to join soon.  It affirmed that this is working.  My message is getting across.  

Choosing the unconventional path continues to suit me.  I would not want it any other way.  Sure, I would enjoy more stability.  I have my health.  I have my shelter and I have a lovely support network.  I am beyond blessed.  I need that mantra to play in my head when I am sleeping.  I hope to quash the crazy fears and doubts that plague me at night.  

On that note, I will update you on the outdoor sessions this week that I am offering.  Thursday night, 6 pm, join me at City Park.  Park near 17th & Fillmore and head towards the park.  I like to set up in a shaded area.  New flow, music and light snacks.  This is a donation based class.

Or join Saturday mornings.  Same location of the park--17th & Fillmore.  Moving up the time to 9 am instead of 10 am. This is the class that helped define what I wanted to offer in a yoga session.  Open to everyone and creating community.  I have offered this class for the last four years.  I never know who will attend or what we will discuss during the session.  It is fantastic.

Bottom line--do what you love and where you shine brightest.  Turn off the inner thoughts of doubt and thrive!