Sunday, September 29, 2024

 My dad just told me it wasn't normal for a 48 year old woman to have a period.



How does he know anything about this?

He doesn't.

He doesn't know how uncomfortable I feel.  Or I how I figure out how to adapt to this annoyance.  

I wish, men understood how challenging bleeding out is.  It sucks.  

You feel bloated, uncomfortable, heavy.  Let's be honest.  That is what happens.  You choose fat pants or an outfit that feels comfortable.  Every month.  Maybe, every few weeks as menopause enters your orbit.  

Then you have someone that doesn't have to encounter this on any level, tell you how you should feel.  PLEASE, FUCK OFF.

Every woman should be voting for her individual interest.  No one else is doing this for you.  Not your father.  Not your brother.  Not your husband.  In 1974, women were able to apply for their own credit cards.  Why is this even a thing?  Why would we think a man knows our best interest?  I have paid for vehicles, college, rent.  Never once, have I asked my dad to take care of me.  And guess what?  He never has offered to help me out!  He doesn't want to.  He cannot tell me how to live my life.

Vote for your interests.  For your fellow citizen, daughter, niece, friend.  Do not think anyone else is out her advocating for female rights.  Do not think this okay to not understand menopause or perimeneopause.  It sucks. 

But it where I am at currently.  Navigating this new world.  Bleeding out, feeling heavy, trying to feel good about myself.  

It feels like a luxury to be a man.  

let's do more

Let's get better.  Do better.  Every day.
I refuse to become complacent.  I look at myself and am shocked at how I have become comfortable.  Comfortable with how I look, how I feel, how I am.  Gross.
I turned a year older and have options.  I can continue on the complacent path or challenge myself to do more.  
I want to do more.  
That is my intention.  I am tired of being uninspired and unmotivated.