Friday, February 8, 2008

It´s all about the service....

I arrived at the bus station, early, hoping to not be worried about missing my departure. I still was. I asked a guy which bus he was taking and within a few minutes the Flecha Bus came, we jumped into the bus and off we went.
Initially, they put in a DVD and I thought--great, a movie. Instead, it was music videos without house sound and they were from the early 80´s which made it all the better to not have to listen to it. For about an hour and a half, I watched random acts, singing intently into the video screen. We all thought it was pretty funny.
Later, we stopped and they passed out the food which was beef, rice, jello, diced potatoes and bread. i didn´t understand it, but it was more than the granola bars that i still had. Nevertheless, they served pepsi or 7 up and I realized how good my first us service actually was. I mean, they served wine. On this bus, I had crappy food and a horrible video. They played The Brave One, with Jodie Foster and i don´t know about you, but I don´t want to watch someone being bludgeoned to death while i am eating. It seemed graphic and inappropriate for most of the passengers. Again, i was spared the sound, thank god, but still the visual lingered. I found my ipod, plugged it in and slept.
The busses all suck in terms of leg space. The guy in front of me had his bed propped back the entire time and in the morning, they woke me up to see if I wanted to eat. Again, the service lacked, and then I was completely awake. The passenger in front of me, picked his nose or his teeth for about 3 hours. I wanted to kick him since i was so grossed out. Remember his chair reclined back and so I had a up close view of it.
Our bus arrived 3 hours late. My backpack was soaked from the rain and my cabbie was a jerk at first. Then he was better.
I need to quit complaining since i am back in Buenos Aires. i am safe and I can go get some fantastic pizza from the pizzeria around the corner. I thought it was comical how all of the bus services varied for essentially the same price. I hope to go to a Tango Show tomorrow and get a massage too. My legs hurt from the darn bus.
Take care

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