Thursday, July 8, 2010


You ahould should.
You should?
Why not?
Why...because you work tomorrow...that is nothing. You should come dancing....take a siesta and be done with it.
Really, you should come.
The Goddess's Italian friend, Agnese, said all of these things.
I held firm with the belief that yes, i must work. I must be responsible. I must be capable. The reality, for me, sucks.
We went running--4 miles--at High line Canal. Short. Pleasant. Worked.
Afterwards, we met at Solera and tried calamari, cheese, bread, salad and macaroni and cheese. My friend, Maghan, free poured the wine and everything was lovely. Our conversation flowed and we discussed many topics.
Perspectives of life.
More opportunity to travel.
Loss of innocence.
Everything under the sun.
Olive oil.
It was joyful to discover that Agnese enjoyed travel. She mentioned that in the States, we worked too hard. That Italtians just wanted enough to make it through the month.
This is true. We do work too hard, expect too much, intend to achieve too much before our time. Why must we obsess? Why cannot we enjoy?
Dining with Agnese was a lovely platform for international dining. I hope to meet them, on Sunday, for more opportunity to converse. Seriously, I respect the European way of life. Enjoy!!!


scarlethue said...

I love the European way of life as well. When we lived in London and my husband was working for Gieves and Hawkes, they used to make fun of him because he'd never actually take his breaks when he first started, but after a few months he really got into it, taking snacks and a book and such, to relax and enjoy 15 minutes of free time twice a day, in addition to lunch. He still does that now even though we're back in the states, and I bet he still gets twice as much work done as his coworkers. You've got to take a break and freshen up!

harmony said...

Absolutely! I think that is excellent that your husband still takes breaks and rejuvenates. It is important.