Friday, March 30, 2012

woes of cycling

Semi-productive day.  I walked up to a nearby bike shop hoping to be fitted for a road bike.  I honestly didn't factor in that they wouldn't offer that service at the location or that I would have to pay for that service.  I don't know why.  I am in the service industry.  I should completely have thought of that fact before walking into the location.  This shop charges $40 which I didn't know if was normal or excessive.  Instead of relying on my bike guy, I did a little research of shops in the area based on a customer's suggestions.  This guy is all pro-cycle and so he took the time to write down four shops that I should consider purchasing a bike from.  All of which are in Scottsdale.  Some of the shops are spendy based on their names--I think.
Anyways, I work in an area that is super bike friendly which is awesome and I want to start cycling more.  I have a mountain bike that needs work.  Jonny did a basic tune up and switched out my tubes.  I road about six blocks and the back tire is flat.  Since then, it has remained flat.  I love this bike for nostalgic reasons and will get it fixed.  I just want a road bike too.  I think if I want to do a tri-athlon, well, I need a road bike. 
I digress.  I checked out four shops in Scottsdale.  Almost all of those shops require a fee of $100 for a fitting.  Yea.  I think I will stay in Tempe.  I just want to get fitted and then decide if I can find a bike on Craig's List.  I don't want to have to buy a bike from the shop that I am fitted at if that makes sense.  I can live with a $40 fee and some suggestions, of course.  $100 seems a bit much in all honesty.  And, keep in mind, I want a bike to ride, recreationally, and to and from work.  I am not looking to sign up for an event tomorrow--cycling or otherwise.  However, I want more than a cruiser and I would like some direction.  My biggest issue is asking for help.  I wish someone could hand me the perfect bike and I could start riding.  I suppose we all have that desire to have something handed to us.  It's not about entitlement.  It's about taking the time to make it a priority instead of sticking to my daily routine.  I took the first step by walking to the shop and getting the guy's name that I would need to make an appointment with.  Fortunately, it is near my house and he will be available tomorrow.  I still might just have a bike by Monday.  We'll see~

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