Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I'm back......

Okay, so I have been absent for a few months.  With good reason.  I lost all sorts of function on my laptop.  I was able to catch up on my desire to catch up on tv.  I caught the finale of a few must see shows and hoped that I would eventually figure out a way to use my computer again.  Did not happen.  I prolonged purchasing a new laptop until I could no longer stand it.  Yesterday was the day.  I marched in to the computer store determined to make the purchase and have a new laptop in my house by last night.  Of course, that did not happen.  My lesson here (one of them) is patience.  I recognize it over and over and over again.
I wanted to be able to watch something when I returned home from closing last night.  However, since I was still learning how to be patient that was not an option.  Instead, I met a couple co-workers for a quick beverage after work.  Seemed like a grand idea.
This morning I received another e-mail about how they were in the process of transferring data to my new laptop.  I wondered how it could take this long to take care of my laptop.  It is a national chain that sells computers, lap tops, ipads on a daily basis.  Still, I refrained from driving there until later this afternoon.  I stood in line and watched one clerk handle the customers in front of me.  Three total.  I try to force myself to be calm and stop looking around or on my phone.  Then, magically, my phone rings and I step outside of the line to answer it.  It's the guy from the store that I am currently standing in.  Kinda ironic. 
I have a new lap top.  Yea!  Finally.  And now, I am trying to figure out how to maneuver the new device.  After getting moderately acquainted with it, I realized that I had neglected my blog for way too long.  I apologize.
March was all about allergies, semi-depression and trying to figure out the best time to return to Phoenix for yoga teacher training.  I have never experienced allergies in my life.  They overwhelmed and sidetracked me.  Seriously.  Initially, my eyes were affected.  I could barely function wearing contacts.  After suffering for six days, I consulted a herbalist.  I explained my situation and he suggested some herbal pills that would alleviate the itching, scratchy, watering eyes.  Sure, that did work and focused the next allergy attack on my nasal cavity.  Wow, talk about overwhelming!  I could see but no longer breathe.  Never in my life have I experienced anything like the juniper berry in New Mexico.  I lost the battle, this year, for sure.
I think I was depressed too as a side effect of dealing with the allergies.  I did not want to work out outside because I was hit over the head with the juniper berry.  I couldn't wait for April to start.  I had yoga teacher training to look forward to.  After some serious consideration, I booked a trip for eight days.  I believed that would give me ample time to rack up hours and I would focus on yoga.  I did manage to arrange dinner dates with an assortment of my friends from the life in Phoenix.  My friends were great.  Met me all over the city and on nights that were not fantastic for them.  The yoga, well, I injured myself five days into the training.  Lesson here, maybe plan on six days of yoga, including travel days, to decrease the risk of injury.  Oh, and scheduling a massage before, during and after the training.  I should have known better is all I am saying.  Lesson learned.  Recognize tight muscles before forcing an unnecessary injury.
I have more to say and reflect on.  My intention, 2015, was to write more.  I have sucked at it thus far.  Yea, I think I had a bad month in March. 

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