Wednesday, July 29, 2015


The yoga intensive was a wonderful experience.  Initially, I hesitated due to the lack of sequencing and physical classes.  The available classes focused on therapy, readings, posture meanings and crystal gongs.  I went back and forth with whether or not I would be able to attend the necessary hours.
In the end, I managed to attend 40 hours of class.  A little physical and the majority was lecture driven.  I prefer the physical classes. I thought it would be smart to attempt back to back to back ashtanga classes.  Midway through the third class which was vinyasa based ashtanga, I realized I was being foolish.  No, I was not a badass in this physical sense.  I could injure myself which would decrease my hours in the studio.  Foolish girl!  My intention is to finish my training not prolong it.
Ironically, I received the best benefit in the classes that I least looked forward to.  Yoga therapy, crystal bowls and another vision type of class.  All were meditation led where the mind wandered to where it wanted to.  In each of them, either I experienced a release of sorts or a vision of where I want to be.  Entertaining friends with wine and on a mountain.  I think I surprised the others in the class.  They had children and some of their visions had to do with making themselves a priority or being creative.  Mine dealt with being patient (I think in the present) and then expanded into the mountain image.  After the class several of the other ladies approached me and commented on what I had to say.  One girl saw a video and emailed it to me.  She said, I saw this and thought of you.  You must see it.
I think I was on a high after the intensive.  In addition, I met this couple while working and the man had traveled to 105 countries. Amazing.  Sort of stuck with me the last few weeks.  And my mini is off gallivanting in Central America.  I envy her ability to pick up and go.  She is wanting to visit 25 countries before she turns 25 and is almost there.  We plan on meeting in Vietnam in February.  Til then, she is discovering a whole new world of possibility.
I keep seeing advertisements for wine training in Napa.  Or, my friend, Lisa, asked me if I had ever considered relocating to Las Vegas.  She suggested I could get my som and work somewhere on the Strip.  So there is that in my sights along with the mountain vision.
Returning to New Mexico has been interesting.  I want to hold on to where I want to be while living in the status quo.  So there is some frustration in the present as such.  I enjoy the productivity of what I am doing and the people I am meeting.  I like knowing that I am providing service for people and that they enjoy my style of service.  I talk about things that I know--food, travel, wine, other restaurants.  It's enjoyable.  Or, I find it pleasant. 
Moreover my time at the yoga studio is uplifting and physical.  I find that I like cycle classes and am developing my yoga class on a deeper level.  Things are great and I am finding my voice.  Today, I continue to enjoy cycle classes and reflection.  Seems I am exactly where I need to be. 

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