Sunday, May 15, 2016

commute and other issues

I am not sure how in love I am with the light rail that connects downtown Denver to the airport.  Sure, if I were traveling, infrequently, it would be a nice way to get to the airport as opposed to hailing a cab, parking or convincing a friend to pick me up or drop me off.  As someone who relies on it on a weekly basis, I want it to be more consistent and frequent.  This evening, for example, the scheduled departure was 8:26 pm.  The train arrived at 8:24 and there was a rush to find seats.  After securing seats, we waited for the doors to close and head west.  There was an announcement that the doors would close indicating that we would be departing soon. 
Twenty minutes we still had not moved.  Another train was arriving which seemed confusing.  Would that be the train that would take me home or was I safe on the original train?  I walked out, hoping, to find someone who would have viable information.  I approached a few security guards and asked them when the train would be leaving.  The guy that responded was rude and abrupt.  His response--eventually, the train will leave.
Yea, that sounds great.  Especially after working a 12 hour shift. I was extremely irritated and frustrated.  We did leave a few minutes after I left my seat to find someone to help me with the departure.  Everything did work out.  I was just ready to be in route to home.  I convinced one of my co-workers to stay and close for me.  That is, in fact, why I was the most bothered by the delayed train.  I should have been home an hour earlier.  I managed to make it home and enjoy dinner.  I am very thankful for that.
Yesterday I worked and both rides to the airport were on time and efficient.  I can appreciate riding the light rail as opposed to driving and searching for parking spots.  Or that I am able to read during the commute instead of being an aggressive driver.  There are definite benefits to the light rail.  Mostly my irritation occurs on the commute back to my car.  Missing the train by a minute delays my departure for a half hour which means, I waste, another hour of my day.
I had hoped to attend a spin class this morning as I enjoy this particular instructor's playlist.  She tends to play MJ and other pop artists that have great rhythm and the class flies by.  I looked last night before signing up and realized that someone had else was subbing for her.  I have attended the sub's class and know that I am not a fan of her music or workout.  Eventually, I will find a schedule of instructors that I like and can attend their classes on a regular basis.  It's all about the music for me.
I keep talking with a friend about yoga in the park.  I think we are going to make a go of it this Wednesday.  If not, I need to seriously rethink my schedule and make it a priority.  It is time.  No more waiting around for something to happen.
I am off to greet the day and see what the light rail is like today....

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