Monday, May 28, 2018

early throwback

Happy birthday to this beauty!  Early throwback or late from last week.  This was taken in 2007 or 2008 in Santa Fe.  Melody is one of the kindest, most positive people that I know.  I met her in 2004 while visiting Santa Fe.  Sara Jo was supposed to join me on the trip and canceled, last minute.  Stubbornly, I still went.  Brian and I had been fighting and I wanted a break to take care of me.  A few days in the city different seemed like the perfect remedy.
I had made arrangements to stay at a hotel and decided to arrange for a massage.  She was my therapist and I asked for her card with the intention of arranging another treatment on my next visit.  Since then, we have shared multiple dinners together and trips to Ojo Caliente.  She is a blessed soul.
Last week, I drove down to Santa Fe with Sara Jo.  We had talked, briefly, about driving there and spending a few days.  Then, I didn't see her for a few weeks and I didn't know if she was serious about making the trip to Santa Fe.  I had lunch with her a few weeks ago and asked if she was serious about going to Ojo and she responded with, yes, I had already marked off the days.  I booked an airbnb and contacted Melody to remind her that we were interested in visiting.  Everything was in play for us to leave on a Thursday.
Sara Jo had to work on Thursday morning delaying our early departure.  Everything worked out in the end.  We ended up hauling a friend of mine whose flight was canceled out of Denver.  He was scrambling to find a way back down instead of the other flight option presented.  I told him if he could make it over to my apartment before 11 am, we would be more than happy to drive him down.  It was an entertaining trip south.
We dropped him off downtown and made our way to second street.  The airbnb was over in that area of town.  We were located next to Iconik coffee and Backdoor pizza.  I love the vibe of Iconik coffee and their coffee is quite delicious, too.  Friday morning, we drove to Ojo Caliente and soaked away our stresses and detoxed some of the b.s. I have been carrying around for some time.  Stress can be a silent killer.  I try to find ways to care for me and my personal health on a monthly basis.  Which reminds me, Sara Jo picked up some of the most beautiful peonies at the farmer's market in Santa Fe. She said that she has been religious about keeping fresh flowers in her house.  I want to do that, too.  I think a stop to a market might be in my plans today.
Ojo never disappoints and we arrived just in time to miss the craziness of the onslaught of people around 11 a.m.  Next stop, La Choza for silver coin lunch and eventually dinner with Melody at Joseph's. I am fortunate to have such great friends in my life.  Who enjoy traveling with me, dining and letting me choose wine.  I am blessed!
I will expand more on this later.  I have a yoga client in five...

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