Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sweaty yoga in Santa Fe

I love yoga.  Teaching classes, practicing for myself and being part of the community.  It has been awhile since I have attended an in-person class.  I think four plus years.  Partially due to Covid and then once the world re-opened, some of the studios I frequented severely limited their classes.  Or they had instructors that I didn't like.  I know that sounds counterproductive--yoga is spiritual, healing and focused on breathwork.  

Some instructors do not jive with me.  There are a few that stand out in my mind.  Specifically at the local studio I would go to in Denver.  One woman was uninspired and had no sense of sequencing.  The other woman was aggressive in her delivery.  I found her obnoxious (again.  I know this is not normal and I shouldn't be talking about it probably.  Yet, I want to be honest.  I want to reflect on why I have not attended an in-person class in Denver since 2019) Or Santa Fe either.  I have been to a barre studio and made space in my days to check out TRX classes in Santa Fe.  I have not been inspired to attend a studio since pre-covid.  The studios are great, but I have not found an instructor that I really like or would create space within my visit to go to a class.

Until today.  I went to Vinaigrette for lunch and ran into a friend who is a fellow yogi.  I met Allison while helping out at Thrive Studio.  She attended classes regularly and after a while, you ask where else they practice.  Anyways, I knew that I trusted her opinion on the fitness scene in Santa Fe.  So, I inquired where she was currently attending classes.  Surprisingly she mentioned a studio that I was unfamiliar with--Dirty Laundry Yoga Studio.  She raved about the place.  The heat was legit, and the humidity also factored in to creating the experience.  

Curious, I checked out the website and saw that I could attend a class this evening.  Heated, vinyasa flow and right up with what I was looking for.  I signed up for the class and made my way to the studio.  Set up my mat in the corner of the room.  I am weird.  I like being on the perimeters where I can control how many people surround me.  I started in child's pose and waited for the instructor to begin.  It was hot.  Not going to lie.  

He cued child's pose, then cat/cow, down dog.  I was familiar with the start and waited for what came next.  Several sun salutations with additional arm stretches.  Eventually, we moved into a combo sun B/sun C.  I wasn't in love with this guy's vision of a flow, but the heat was incredible.  I leaned into that and tried to make it through the 60-minute session.  It was hot!

I hope to return and experience another class.  It was nice to know that I cue well and explain poses in a way that I think translates better (in my head at least).  I am thankful for the experience and knowledge that there are options in Santa Fe.  Make it a great day!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thankful Thursday

It is Thursday and I decided to bring back a gratitude post (at least today).  I am thankful for many things in my life.  Mostly, my health.  I am reminded of how much I value my health on a daily basis.  Working caterings or in the service industry reinforces the need to be healthy.  Healthy to lift things, move quickly and focus on hydration.  Not kidding, at all.  You must fuel your body to make it through the day.  If I didn't have access to clean water, I would probably wither and die.  

I worked an event where it was implied that we would run out of water about midway through the day.  I was shocked that the company did not plan for that for the staff.  I had brought a few large water bottles to alleviate some of that need for myself, personally.  There were many others who did not bring water or even containers to hold water.  I started panicking.  Realizing that we had another eight to nine hours to work outside in the heat.  Thankfully, we discovered a water source that we could utilize to replenish the coolers that the company had supplied.  

My water bottle is my binkie.  I always travel with water to avoid heat stroke or dehydration.  It truly freaks me out to encounter either of those risks.  I would have left the event to make sure I had water and not felt guilty about it one bit.  I have experienced dehydration.  The first time, I fainted and had heat stroke.  It wasn't horrible but it scared me.

The next time I was dehydrated and not taking care of myself, I fainted, smashed my face and laptop.  And no, no alcohol was involved.  I had worked a twelve-hour shift in Phoenix where it is incredibly hot.  I worked in a restaurant that had an indoor and outdoor bar.  I rotated between the two--stocking, supplying and working.  The next day, I woke up to do laundry.  I was a little off but thought I would power through it.  Instead, I fainted, did a face plant and broke my laptop.  It was a wonderful way to celebrate easter Sunday.  It required me to have plastic surgery.  So, yes, I take access to water seriously.  

I am thankful for my health.

Each day, we choose how we want to approach it.  I hope to make it a habit of looking at my life daily as a choice to do better.  To improve.  I am thankful for listening to this man speak of his volition and determination to pursue his dreams.  (Another benefit of caterings is listening to the guest speakers that are hired to inspire and motivate the conference).  

In addition, I have participated in a few zoom conferences of motivational speakers in the last few years.  If you sign up for their conference, they remind you of upcoming events. I try to glean information that is relevant and release some of that that does not resonate with me.  Today, there is a three-day event that I plan on showing up for.  I need the reminder that I am on the right path.

There are many other things I am grateful for--friendship, family, travel, love and food.  As Tom reminds me frequently, I do enjoy the food factor in my life.  I am thankful to share those experiences with others.  

Be thankful today and celeberate you~