Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sweaty yoga in Santa Fe

I love yoga.  Teaching classes, practicing for myself and being part of the community.  It has been awhile since I have attended an in-person class.  I think four plus years.  Partially due to Covid and then once the world re-opened, some of the studios I frequented severely limited their classes.  Or they had instructors that I didn't like.  I know that sounds counterproductive--yoga is spiritual, healing and focused on breathwork.  

Some instructors do not jive with me.  There are a few that stand out in my mind.  Specifically at the local studio I would go to in Denver.  One woman was uninspired and had no sense of sequencing.  The other woman was aggressive in her delivery.  I found her obnoxious (again.  I know this is not normal and I shouldn't be talking about it probably.  Yet, I want to be honest.  I want to reflect on why I have not attended an in-person class in Denver since 2019) Or Santa Fe either.  I have been to a barre studio and made space in my days to check out TRX classes in Santa Fe.  I have not been inspired to attend a studio since pre-covid.  The studios are great, but I have not found an instructor that I really like or would create space within my visit to go to a class.

Until today.  I went to Vinaigrette for lunch and ran into a friend who is a fellow yogi.  I met Allison while helping out at Thrive Studio.  She attended classes regularly and after a while, you ask where else they practice.  Anyways, I knew that I trusted her opinion on the fitness scene in Santa Fe.  So, I inquired where she was currently attending classes.  Surprisingly she mentioned a studio that I was unfamiliar with--Dirty Laundry Yoga Studio.  She raved about the place.  The heat was legit, and the humidity also factored in to creating the experience.  

Curious, I checked out the website and saw that I could attend a class this evening.  Heated, vinyasa flow and right up with what I was looking for.  I signed up for the class and made my way to the studio.  Set up my mat in the corner of the room.  I am weird.  I like being on the perimeters where I can control how many people surround me.  I started in child's pose and waited for the instructor to begin.  It was hot.  Not going to lie.  

He cued child's pose, then cat/cow, down dog.  I was familiar with the start and waited for what came next.  Several sun salutations with additional arm stretches.  Eventually, we moved into a combo sun B/sun C.  I wasn't in love with this guy's vision of a flow, but the heat was incredible.  I leaned into that and tried to make it through the 60-minute session.  It was hot!

I hope to return and experience another class.  It was nice to know that I cue well and explain poses in a way that I think translates better (in my head at least).  I am thankful for the experience and knowledge that there are options in Santa Fe.  Make it a great day!

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