Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Productive afternoon

Productive afternoon.  Creating fliers and showcasing upcoming yoga in August.  Join me on Saturdays.  For the time being, I will offer a class at 9 am.  ***unless the heat becomes unbearable, and we move it to 8 am***

This year it has been lovely.  One Saturday, no one attended.  I was sad but I am realistic.  People have lives and other priorities.  Some people have injuries or illness.  I can only be consistent and believe in what I am offering.  Offering a class every Saturday.

I have a retreat that I am composing in October.  I will release more details and information in the next few weeks.  October 17-20th in Santa Fe.  Be there or be square.  (wowzah, I sound like a kid of the 80's.  Huey Lewis, anyone?)

Be your best self and make it a great day~

Friday, July 26, 2024

New Energy

What a week.  I choose to focus on the positives and the energy that I am living in currently.  This hopeful, positive, evolving energy.  I will return to that in a bit.

Yoga has been growing.  More group classes, virtual classes and perhaps, a yoga retreat.  Truly, I believe, I can make this happen.  Start out small in a familiar setting to work out kinks and build on it.  Santa Fe.  Seems the most approaching.  Especially, if I make it more of a customer appreciation retreat.  Rely on friends to see how I can make improvements and provide a great service.  I want people to join the retreat and benefit from it.  Offering one mandatory class with an optional class or two daily.  I think that makes sense with suggested activities or restaurants.  Of course, I would provide adult beverages for the house to thank my clients.  I think that is a no-brainer.  

Still figuring out pricing, dates and housing.  Tom has no idea what he has signed up for, lol.  He will be involved with the food factor.  I will provide breakfast and lunch.  Possibly one dinner.  I am still figuring it all out.

Energy wise...I am in a positive head space.  Coalescing behind a movement for change.  I am grateful and hopeful.  I feel the shift and desire to do something new and different. 

I remember sitting in an uber about six years ago.  My driver reflected that we needed more light keepers in the world.  Less discourse.  Less division.  Less quote unquote, successful people.  Light keepers.  

Then he looked at me and said--you are a light keeper.  Embrace it.

I feel that this is a different time.  We know what is being offered to us.  We know how we missed the chance in 2016 to make a change then.  Some were too ignorant to get past the hatred for Hillary.  I wasn't.  I voted for Hillary, proudly.  I remember sitting in a counseling office the following day.  Sitting by a woman that was so scared of what we elected in in 2016.  I won't go into why I was sitting in a counselor's office.  Only that the woman had been harassed by multiple men during the election night where they were joyful in the knowledge that Trump had won.  That they could continue to harass and abuse women.  (what a resounding gross)

The chance to move forward to regress to the 1850's where no one had rights.  With the exception of white men.  Why would we want to return to that?  In my entire lifetime, I have been able to make financial decisions.  I have credit cards in my name.  I signed up for them and were able to secure them.  It is mind boggling to me that anyone would vote against their own best interest.  Wake up and do what is best for you.  Educate yourself and understand what is being offered by both parties.  If you endorse returning to the feudal systems of the Renaissance--get on board with the Republicans.  Be prepared to lose all of your rights and be inferior to the affluent.  Work more, make less.  I believe they want to alter the 40 hour work week to a 160 work month.  No more over time.  Sounds good, right?

If you want to evolve and protect your rights, vote Blue.  Don't sit by and watch this craziness happen.

Determined to get involved and not sit by and wake up to the Handmaid's Tale.