Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Productive afternoon

Productive afternoon.  Creating fliers and showcasing upcoming yoga in August.  Join me on Saturdays.  For the time being, I will offer a class at 9 am.  ***unless the heat becomes unbearable, and we move it to 8 am***

This year it has been lovely.  One Saturday, no one attended.  I was sad but I am realistic.  People have lives and other priorities.  Some people have injuries or illness.  I can only be consistent and believe in what I am offering.  Offering a class every Saturday.

I have a retreat that I am composing in October.  I will release more details and information in the next few weeks.  October 17-20th in Santa Fe.  Be there or be square.  (wowzah, I sound like a kid of the 80's.  Huey Lewis, anyone?)

Be your best self and make it a great day~

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