Wednesday, March 24, 2021

2021 the year of pursuing passions

2021.  Gratitude for this year and seeing my path cleared of obstacles and obstructions.  Last year was the year of the visor.  Every time I left my house, I would grab one of my three visors and head out.  The mask with sunglasses and/or glasses just wasn't conducive.  Immediately, my glasses would fog up making it challenging to not only see but function.  The visor was a great solution while walking around with a mask.  I loosened up my desire to walk the park with a visor in the last month.  I felt confident that I can walk away from people that are running or in my pathway.  I was diligent about this until I went to Santa Fe with Maghan last week.  Many folks down there were sporting their masks in the Plaza and around town.  I felt compelled to put mine back in place while exploring the city.

Of course, 2021 did not see the end of the pandemic.  Perhaps it eased up a little and provided more opportunity for hope.  I have many friends that have been vaccinated or in the process of it currently.  State restrictions are lifting and some states have gotten rid of their mandatory quarantines if you cross state lines.  There is hope.

Personally, I have flirted with the idea of being my own boss for some time.  I always found reasons to stay in the service industry.  It's flexible.  I am exposed to amazing food frequently.  I meet interesting people. I have life long friendships from people I have waited on and worked with.  There are several positives to working in the industry in spite of the challenges of 2020.  The pandemic forced that industry to nonstop pivot, update and adapt.  Doing more with less seemed to be the theme of last year.  There is this energy that can be amazing and I have always enjoyed being part of it.  That was why leaving it became difficult for me.  

I could work thru the next holiday season and then be done.  Or, perhaps, I could wait an additional year before taking the leap of faith.  All the while, I realized that there would never be an ideal time.  I couldn't put an end date on it.  I would find reasons to work through my deadline as I had in the past.  

But how does that assist me in working for myself?  Financially, sure, it helps.  But wanting to work for myself seemed distant.  I always had one foot in the industry and the other wanting to depart.  Until now.  I am ready.  I feel that I have been waiting for this time for awhile.  Visualizing, reading, creating, exploring and now I am excited!  And a little scared.  I believe I will be fine.  Actually, I truly believe I will be fine and that I made the right choice for me.  But, i am a little scared.  I think it is natural.  You leave something comfortable and that you know for the absolute unknown.  But if not now, when?  

Tonight, a former colleague of mine reached out to me to see if I was still teaching yoga.  I responded thinking he knew someone that was interested in my services.  Instead, he inquired if I worked at a studio or knew someone that was hiring.  A reminder that it is all about connections.  Maybe not the connection I thought I would be encountering but a connection.  And life is all about connections.  I have been chilling at my house, listening to podcasts, reading and taking care of me.  It feels great now.  But, I am a social being. I will want to meet with friends and check out new spots.  I think I will incorporate that in to my situation.

It is all about pursuing passions, living and tasting life.  Cheers!

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