Tuesday, January 7, 2025

New Classes and other ways to take control in the upcoming year of uncertainty.

It's a new year with new focus.  I will be offering yoga classes every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 6:30 am, MST.  Forty-five minutes of stretchy goodness.  Let's build this habit together!

I will focus on breathwork, movement and sequencing.  Some days more strength.  Others stretchier.  I believe in changing it up to keep things fresh.  

Today in an attempt to reset my energy, I cleaned my apartment and am de-cluttering.  Finally finishing up tasks, moving items I no longer use and saging my space.  These are things that I encourage everyone to do.  Let's start this year in the best possible way.  Make it work for you.

I have felt helpless and apathetic towards the political system after the most recent election results.  I am still questioning how it was called so quickly, almost immediately.  It does not matter.  It was called and I will gear up for what comes next.  Chaos.  Confusion and figuring out how to keep control of myself and my emotions.  

In that vein, I am unsubscribing to companies that I do not agree with politically.  I will no longer support companies that donate to causes that affect me and my rights.  There are companies, of course, that I have never frequented or have any intention of ever supporting.  Hobby Lobby.  Walmart.  Chick Filet to name a few.  

However, I was surprised, learning that some of the companies I do frequent dumped so much money into the race this year.  I broke up with Sierra Trading Company which saddened me since I love buying Saucony shoes from them.  I have purchased yoga attire, as well.  But no longer.  I will rely on the good unites us app to consider where to shop and spend my money.  I hope to try to grocery shop, primarily, at Trader Joe's as our interests align.  I need to figure out another bigger market to shop for other things.  I don't think I am interested in shopping at Sprout's anymore.  Especially now, since I just looked up Sprout's on the app and know it contributes to the republican party.   The party that hates women and all other minorities.  

I needed to find some laughter and joy.  I think listening to some of the podcasts I was listening to was making it worse.  The uncertainty of what looms and how it will affect everyone.  I stumbled onto this podcast called I've Had it.  I love it.  I find myself laughing out loud as I walk around outside.  People look at me funny when I burst into laughter, but I cannot help myself.  It is great.  These two women from Oklahoma are a riot and say, most everything, that I think and agree with especially the hypocrisy of religion.  How judgmental and ridiculous these folks are...Give it a go.  They offer two episodes, weekly, for about 45 minutes.  Or check out their daily dose which is anywhere from 10-18 minutes long.  When I drove back from Santa Fe last week, I listened to multiple episodes.  Entertaining and insightful.  

Continue learning, questioning and living your life.  Mostly, lean into educating yourself and reading.  Don't accept that you are unable to change or improve your situation.  That is my takeaway.

Be well~

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