Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Weekly Classes

 I am now offering virtual classes every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 6:30 am, MST.  45 minutes of movement, breathwork and fun.  I will change it, daily.  I prefer having variety instead of the same sequence.  Easily I become bored, distracted and uncommitted to what I am trying to achieve.  Please contact me if you are interested in attending one of these virtual classes.

Today, I began with a post about it on instagram to remind people of the a.m. class.  Then I did sun salutations before settling into my dry sauna blanket and meditating.  This will be my morning routine until people attend the classes.  And it will happen.  I believe it.  I must commit and make this a habit.

The affirmation is the reminder that success comes from our daily habits.  In the past, I have made time to meet up with friends for coffee, walking a park, yoga classes, wine lunches, etc.  Looking back, I have not had much structure.  It has always been very open and flexible.  In hindsight, I think due to its flexibility I have not moved forward with my business as much as I would have liked to.  I have allowed distraction to keep me in a similar pattern.  Relying on other jobs to supplement my income instead of creating more opportunities to teach, build community, offer retreats.  I want to make my business more of a focus this year.  

There will be virtual classes during the evening, too.  I have not committed to what days or times, yet.  I want to take small steps to increase my likelihood of building this habit.  It takes 21 days to build a habit.  Possibly offering pm classes in February most likely.  Barre classes, HIIT yoga and mashups of the two styles of fitness classes.  Occasionally, I offer, restorative classes in the evenings.  Only seems a nice way to decompress from your day and settle into your nights.  I have been hosting a virtual class on Sunday mornings for the last few years.  I call it, Slowdown Sunday.  45 minutes of stretchy yoga.  A few sun salutations (sometimes).  Mostly focusing on holding poses, breathwork and stretching.  

If you have suggestions on other class offerings that speak to you, please contact me.  Or, if you would like to do a private session, virtually or in Denver, contact me.  I am here to create a class for you.  To customize the session specifically to suit your needs.  I love teaching yoga and building my community.  Too often we isolate ourselves from opportunities to meet people as we age.  This is a safe space open to everyone.  

Happy Hump Day!  I hope you are enjoying the new energy of 2025 and crafting ways to make this your best year yet.  Cheers!

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