Friday, February 11, 2022

Fridays and some finance anxieties

Slowly getting things organized and figured out.  I procrastinate way too much.  I excel at this.  It is kind of scary. 

This morning, I woke up, meditated, did fifteen sun salutations before walking a nearby park. Thankfully, I opted to walk this morning instead of trying to squeeze it in this afternoon.  For one thing, it's much colder.  Oh, and it's snowing. This morning I snuck in a walk before my first session of the day.  In addition to the walk, I listened to a podcast about manifestation and angel numbers.  Do you even find yourself looking at your cell phone and it is 11:11?  Or 1:11?  4:44?  Recurring numbers.  I am constantly stimulated by sequences and how I am feeling when I see the number.  The podcast had a little guidance as to why I am seeing these numbers.  

As I process that, I realize that it allows me to delay some of the admin stuff I am hoping to achieve.  I did give myself a hard boundary to have it completed by.  What do they say--give yourself a month to clean your house and it take a month. Give yourself 3 days and it will take three days.  I am hoping that this is true.  I need to get some information back to my accountant. It is hanging over my head.

In addition, I am trying to assess my mindset about money.  I think it is improving and then wake up in the middle of the night to stress dreams.  I forced myself to pay my credit card hoping to alleviate some of that unnecessary anxiety.  The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful.  Some guided meditations are helping.  I listened to one, specifically last night, about manifesting abundance and money.  I think I heard five minutes of it before falling asleep.  Maybe something helped?  More than likely I will need to try it again.  

I have reached out to several of my friends regarding investing and finance. I have been embarrassed by my lack of knowledge but realize that I am not alone in this. Why are we not teaching finance in schools?  Or being in control of your finances and having a healthy relationship with money?  I am taking steps to get better acquainted and confident in my choices.  I am considering investing in robinhood--I like the idea of fractional shares.  Definitely would help with diversification.  Or there are other platforms that are worth checking out.  I need to decide what my best course of action is.  I cannot be forced into making a rash decision.  I will definitely have anxiety dreams!

It is snowing in Denver. What a way to quick start this holiday weekend?  Staying inside and on the couch, lol.  I agreed to work tonight so I will be venturing outside shortly. I am thankful for whatever opportunity arises tonight.  I feel lucky!

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