Friday, February 4, 2022

Happy February

Happy Friday!  I have many projects, ongoing, and have avoided tending to this.  The week has gotten away from me without much effort.  Yoga, planning road trip to Florida and dealing with the cold. I hibernated for a few days.  Looking back, that would have been the ideal time to blog.  I cannot remember how I became derailed that day.  Yet, I did.

Today, I am midway through my classes.  Taught three and have two to finish.  It has been a lovely day.  Sure, I should be focusing on some of my own administration things I am avoiding.  Instead, I have been texting friends to find someone (ANYONE) that is familiar at applying for grants.  It isn't like I have not thought about it.  It has been suggested to me a few times and would make my life easier.  I wish I enjoyed the detailed stuff. I don't.  It is tedious and challenging.  I get distracted by all of the requirements.  I signed up for a finance class and spent money on it.  I am disappointed in how I am faring. I have done minimal work in this and I paid for it.  It is ridiculous.  I will continue to read the material and figure out my best approach. I cannot be rushed with parting with money.  All goes back to mindset.  Even how I just said that--parting with money.  Clearly, negative.  I need to reconsider how I think about money.

It is so easy for me to avoid a task that I do not want to commit to.  Eventually, I do achieve it but on my own timeline.  I suppose it is what I am most familiar with. In college, there is a glaring reminder of avoidance.  I still regret my decision.  I must make a change.

I have one more class this afternoon.  It has been a productive/effective day.  Not efficient.  Effective.  I intend to have five plus days of effectiveness.  I would feel better and have more structure.  I need those boundaries for myself.  Otherwise, I can play hooky and socialize.  Not the best decision for starting up a business.

I make plans. I really make plans and then I allow myself to get distracted.  I must be stronger.  On that note, I will conclude this for now with the decision to clear time for blogging tomorrow.  Choose to do better every day.

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