Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring means more cleaning, more sunshine and more outside alone time with the ipod...

Spring is here and I absolutely love it.
I love the sun. I love being outdoors and yes, I love my ipod. Although, as of late, it has showed signs of being difficult or implying that I will be purchasing my 5th one this year. Seriously, I have an ipod addiction. I cannot believe that I survived so long with just a walkman. Fun times...and all because Pocketsize told me it was time to join this century.
2009 has been about stateside travel, reconnection and reprioritizing what is important in my life. I realize that I enjoy writing and am trying to embrace this aspect of my life.
For the most part, I am honest with the blog, too honest at times, but then I know I censor some of my posts, too, for fear of what people will think. I guess I know some friends and family read this and I do not want to think that I am a complete crackhead---yes, they probably already do--but I don't want it affirmed by this blog.
I want this place in my life to represent possibility and growth. I believe in traveling and although this was set up as a way to communicate with friends/family it became more when I returned to the States.
In its own way, it became a trifle mundane too. I want to get beyond that and reflect on what is important in my life. Traveling, food, wine, friendships...I keep harping on my sister, Michaela, to embrace the women in her life. Friends are important and I know that I have survived many crises because of my friends. I have created a family that I chose and it feels right.
I love my sisters and enjoy the relationships that I have with them. But, I enjoy more too. Michaela is busy with work and figuring out her priorities. Yes, she makes time for me, but I feel that I reach out to her more often. Jade has a newborn and two other kids that take up most of her time. She listens to my rants and laughs about the episodes from my life, but again, she is busy with life. Jasmin is a wild card since she is still trying to figure out her place in the world. Plus, she is in Kansas and I think most people know my thoughts on that:)
Yes, I feel that I have an extended family from choice and I feel fortunate everyday for them. I know that even in my darkest moments, I was never truly alone. There was always someone there that was willing to listen to me in my time of need. I suppose I need to pay that forward...any takers, let me know...I am well in my life. I look forward to expanding my networks and my place in the universe.
I am trying to figure out how to travel, get paid for it, dine as an elitist and only drink red wine. 2009 continues however it may and I feel it is a year of discovery and finding more for myself.
Be well and enjoy the sunshine. I have....


scarlethue said...

Hi Harmony-- thanks for your comment to my blog. Honesty is the one thing I'm really striving for, so I'm glad you noticed, haha.

I always wanted a sister. I have a sister-in-law now but she's very far away.

If you figure out how to get paid for traveling, eating well, and drinking wine, let me know!! I promise I'll keep it to myself. :)

harmony said...

Of course, I will let you know if I find out the secret to travel, being financed for it and continuing to drink red wine!
I always enjoy hearing your thoughts:)
Yes, sisters are great. I wish that I was able to see them more often. Kids, jobs, other priorities limit this, but each year, I see them at least once.
Do you enjoy your sister-in-law? I have two brother-in-laws, one is current and one is divorced. Both are family to me and I enjoy seeing them. Actually, for Thanksgiving, I stayed with my sister's ex since I could and because I wanted to see Jeremy, too.
Again, I thank you for your sharing on your blog and commenting on mine.
Be well--Harmony