Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thankful Thursday

May 11th.  I always remember this date as one of my classmates from grade school celebrated her birthday today.  As an adult, Lacey was a huge Royals fan.  Actually, she always loved the Royals.  She took me to my first major league game when I was 10 years old.  

After the Royals won the World Series in 2015, I remember reaching out to her via social media and having some sort of exchange.  I knew she would be ecstatic. I enjoy watching baseball and was happy for the home team.  But I have not lived in Kansas in twenty plus years.  I have an affinity for the Diamondbacks and Rockies.  I was living in Phoenix during the 2001 Diamondback's win.  It was an exciting time for the city.  I remember watching many games during 2000 and 2001.  I think Mambo #5 was played relentlessly (to my dismay).  I became more of a fan during that time in Arizona.  Living in Denver encouraged me to embrace the Rockies.  I have not been to a game in a few years, but I love going to Coors Field.  It is a beautiful stadium.

It was good to hear from her.  Then, she died a week or two later in a random accident.  It was so weird to hear about.  And sad.

I have been pushing the idea of celebrating life daily.  I do not need more reminders to promote this.  I believe I can only control my reactions to friends' news or decisions.  And respect their decisions.  I cannot change anyone but myself.  I need to move past frustration when people choose to continue harmful behavior.  It isn't about me.  I need to remember that and focus on my health and wellness.

I am grateful for my health.  So thankful.  And the life I am creating.  The balance of working for myself can be overwhelming.  I need to improve on productivity.  Teaching classes keeps me engaged and focused.  I would like to add weekly classes to increase exposure.  And discipline.  It is very easy for me to choose to meet someone for lunch.  Today, for example, I am meeting a former customer of mine.  I am bringing Robert red chile from Santa Fe.  He is a fan of the Shed's red chile.  I used to prefer the green chile but recently, I would agree with him.  The red chile is on point.

It is another rainy day in Denver which inspires me to drink hot tea and hibernate.  I shut my windows, lit a few candles and am deep diving into podcasts.  I have four classes today.  Each providing an opportunity to customize for the client.  My final class should be the most challenging.  Rachel is healthy and her husband had rotator cuff surgery.  It's been about six months since the surgery.  I am sure that he will be able to do more than I am prepping the class.  I am concerned to not aggravate the initial injury.  That being said, he is a healthy man, has always taken care of himself and I am certain has healed.  I know that they would not seek me out if they were unable to do yoga.

What are you thankful for today?  Lean in and track it.  Celebrate the small victories.  Cheers to a thankful Thursday!

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