Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Day of Gratitude!

I think, Thanksgiving, is my favorite holiday.  It gives me ample time to reflect for what I am grateful for in my life.  I love it.  It's about sharing food, experiences, life.  No obligatory gifts.  Just honest to goodness day of gratitude.
Of course, I wish I could be spending turkey day with my sisters.  I have yet to meet the newest addition to the family.  My dad is in Oregon and so I know it would be an ideal time to visit my sisters.  Darn the retail job!  Although, I somehow, managed to get today off.  My day began with a yoga class.  Initially, I had told my friends that I would skip that possibility as I think it is foolish to have studios open on a sacred holiday.  My friend, Christina, raved about how excited this instructor at this one studio was to teach on Thanksgiving.  I allow myself to be persuaded to to attend a class, knowing, that I had mixed feelings about it.  I should have stayed with my intuition.  My friend canceled due to too many glasses of wine last night.  I forgive her that as I, too, have skipped yoga, hiking, running dates due to having too much fun the previous night.
At any rate, I walk into the studio and note that it isn't too full.  There are two other studios that I frequent, regularly, and I knew that they would be stock full of healthy people trying to get their yoga fix for the day.  I understand that desire.  I just get claustrophobic when the classrooms are mat to mat.  They say it works.  It doesn't work for me.  I always think i will get sprayed with someone else's sweat or kicked in the face while doing the full moon balance.  It's uncomfortable and instead of leaving balanced/recentered, I leave angry, negative and annoyed.
So, the studio had promise.  I sat my mat down and meditated.  This classroom is hot and I let it overtake me.  The instructor entered the room and we started the breathing exercises.  At that point, I should have left.  I knew, immediately, it was a bikram style class based on the breath sequence.  I wanted a vinyasa flow class.  Especially if I was attending a class on a holiday.
I stayed and it went from bad to worse.  No music, lame postures and no chatarungas.  I absolutely should have avoided going to yoga today.  The sign of my friend skipping should have convinced me to go hike or choosing a different activity to greet the day.  My stubbornness prohibited me from leaving and I suffered through it.  The instructor made it worse by coming over and saying--what is your name again?  I just wanted to be left alone.  It was awful.
I am meeting friends later for thanksgiving.  For the time being, I am going to relax/reflect on my life.  It is wonderful--the people in it, the food I eat/encounter and of course, the travel.  I see a trip to Santa Fe in the works.  I want to return to Ojo Caliente, check out some other restaurants and meditate on my life.  I do enjoy the beauty of that city.  A true oasis for me.
Til then, I will enjoy the day.  I hope you enjoy yours, too.  Celebrate, Enjoy & Taste Life~

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