Sunday, November 24, 2013

rain, again?

I wake up to continuing rain.  I love the rain, I do, on occasion.  For instance, while in Santa Fe, it was perfect to walk around the plaza in the rain.  It smelled clean.  Well, and I had someone to share the experience with.  It added to the ambiance of the trip.  My reset button trip.  The trip I had to have to sustain the next five weeks of holiday, retail and chaos.  I know myself and try to stay true to my needs.  The need for a trip to recenter, refocus, re-prioritize.  Santa Fe was the perfect place to accomplish the reset.  It has been and continues to be an oasis.
I returned to Phoenix and it was overcast.  Perfect.  I'll take it.  I'll take it for a few days.  I am over it now.  Why can't it rain during the summer when it is 120?  I am ready for the return of the sun.  I would like to hike and as it continues to rain, that is not an option.  Last year, I went hiking on Thanksgiving.  It seemed like a worthy option but my friend and I chose to head out too late.  We were surrounded the entire hike up Echo.  It wouldn't be that bad if people actually knew how to be courteous/display proper etiquette on the trail.  Instead, it was a cluster of people all trying to accomplish the same thing I wanted.  Make it to the top, quickly.  Breathe in the solitude of the beauty and begin the descent to reality.  Along the way, we were forced to stop as people opted to take a break in challenging places on the path.  One group, literally, made it impossible to climb without stepping on them.  They seemed the most unaware of how to hike amongst others.
This year, if it isn't raining and hiking is an option, I want to go early.  I want to avoid some of the parking issues and idiots on the trail.  I know it sounds harsh.  It is how I feel about it, though.  Hiking is recreational, sure, to a certain degree.  I only ask that the rules are followed of etiquette.  I don't care how long it takes to get up to the top as long as I am not stuck behind a group of people that refuse to yield to others.
I'll get off my soap box.  This all began with the rain.  I did enjoy it, initially.  Now I am ready for a change. My work schedule is limiting my ability to attend yoga.  Hence, the desire to hike.  At least I can get up early and enjoy the fresh air.
Enjoy your day as much as you can.  Here I am complaining about rain and I know that it snowed in Denver and Santa Fe.  I am thankful to not be dealing with that issue.  I do not miss driving in the snow.....

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