Tuesday, November 26, 2013

random customers and chanting

Work went pretty well today.  It wasn't that insane and I managed to order more wine to stock.  I suppose that is something.
I approached a guy about beer options and he seemed confident with his ability to choose.  Still, I continued to chit chat and he stops me to ask a question--is your hair all the same length?
I know that I blush as I was not expecting this question.  I say, yes, as it is true.  He continues with....well, I am new to a salon in Arcadia and and we are looking for models for different cuts.  I think I might do it.  I have been teetering with this decision for the last few months.  Since I returned to Tempe, I have been frequenting a salon.  I like my girl--she's quirky, eclectic, fun.  However, I am tired of spending $65 on 2 inches of my hair being cut.  That is my hesitation for going to her.  I know another stylist that frequents my bar gig.  He's a hoot!  He definitely makes me laugh and I want to believe that he knows what he is doing.  That I could trust him to not jack up my hair.  However, I have pause in that possibility, too.  I think this guy I met tonight might actually be a viable option.
There were other customers that I was able to chat up about wine.  I do like that aspect of my current job.  I began a conversation this one customer who happened to be from Denver.  Then, we were off.  I can talk about Denver for a long while.  I do adore that city and miss it terribly.  That is how I always feel when I meet someone who is currently living there.
Anyways, we continue to talk when a chanting disrupts us.  It was on the other side of the store.  All, I can make out, is that animals deserve to live.  There was a group of indeterminate people that were boycotting our butcher.  It was insane. So bizarre and it continued for a good 10 minutes.  My first thought was--can't they just kick them out?
Then, I reconsidered.  Giving any attention to this group gave them praise.  I thought we should turn the music up and continue on with customer service.  I don't know how they were politely asked to leave. I was thankful that the chanting stopped.  It was not a peaceful protest by any means.  I cannot even tell you where this group came from.  I hope they do not choose to return and pull this charade tomorrow.
My hiking date fell through for tomorrow morning.  I am bummed for many reasons.  Mostly since I am going to have to get up, earlier, and do laundry.  My land lord was doing his laundry, tonight, when I made it home.  Tomorrow will be an early day.
I think the hair cut might be a grand idea.  And, it's just hair, right?  If it is terrible, it will grow back.  I will wait through the holidays to marinate on the hair idea.

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