Sunday, July 12, 2020

Random Sunday morning thoughts

Wow!  Has is really been over a year since I have actually taken the time to blog? In all fairness, I started working on another blog/website more directed at my yoga practice. From that, got a little side tracked on this blog and writing in general. I miss the ease of blogging and so I am back for this Sunday at least.
The other blog is still under construction. It is on a different platform and wants more widgets, guidance, etc. before it allows me to post anything.  I have been very frustrated and so it remains a work in progress. I had much more ease setting this one up and found it simple to add photos or other widgets.  I set this up to communicate with my friends and family while traveling for six months in 20007 and 2008.  I found that I loved it and that it became an outlet for me to share snippets of my life. I have been fortunate with the majority of my travel until this year. Thankfully, I flew to Barcelona at the end of February to celebrate Brian's life with Shari. It has been fourteen years since he died and we chose to go big in honor of the second seven year cycle.  Barcelona was incredible. We spent a week there--walking everywhere and soaking in all of the architecture, tapas and vermouth. We returned on March 4th.  I am so grateful that we went.  Now, I don't know the next time I will get on a plane or be able to travel outside of the U.S. It's devastating!
What a year 2020 has been!  Initially, I was scared at what would happen to my livelihood, health, wellness, family. There have been so many uncertainties.  It's challenging to navigate it.  I have been attempting to pivot and make it an opportunity.  I actually enjoyed not working for awhile. It forced me to reevaluate my life and what was important to me. I know that I am not alone in this or that it is unique. It is just something I have been reflecting on. Make it an opportunity or continue to look at it as challenging.  I suppose listening to podcasts is also inspiring this change of attitude and potential direction in life. 
Although, prior to the shut down, I had been talking to Maghan about us doing something together. We started thinking about what we would could do on our own. Meeting for lunch to brainstorm and do research and development.  We considered a trip to Miami or Jamaica. That is on hold for obvious reasons. But the idea and dream remains in my reality. And the hope to travel abroad is always on my horizon.
I am well.  Healthy and committed to my fitness goals. I have been able to expand my network of friends who take guidance from me. I love sharing what I am learning and watching them grow and evolve on their own wellness path.  I feel it is essential, especially now, to have a routine of health. It has assisted me in remaining positive and happy.
I should return to this creative outlet. It always brought me joy! I hope you enjoy your Sunday however you choose to spend it. I am going to get outside and enjoy some sunshine before working later. It is a lovely day to be inspired~

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