Saturday, July 25, 2020

Staying accountable

I believe I am on the right path.  In the last few months, I have been reevaluating my life.  What I enjoy?  What is important and how to make things happen.  Of course, I miss traveling.  That is a large area of my life and I am unable to create currently. I want to create in my life and I suppose part of that is staying accountable. I can talk all day about how I would like to change my life but if I don't take steps to change it.  I will remain in the same place.
That is not a terrible position to be in.  I have shelter, access to clean water, a job, a fantastic support network and the ability to focus on health and wellness.  For the first time ever, I am questioning my relationship with money. I have always operated from a position of--live within your means.  My parents, specifically my dad, always preached about the importance of not being in debt. And, I have been fortunate to manage my finances from that belief system.  As a result, my credit is great, but I would still be limited on access to home loans or loans in general. I think back to those childhood mantras and how I would be in a different place if I had a different relationship with money. I have been listening to podcasts, following finance guys and considering how to make changes to improve my relationship. I already save 50 percent of what I make weekly to fund my love of travel.  I cannot travel anywhere so why am I not investing in myself?  Or retiring early? That would be pretty amazing.  I have never thought about when I would retire.  I suppose I believe I will work forever. But, why?  Why stay in this lane? 
That is what I am reflecting on today?  What is it that truly speaks to me?  How can I make it happen within the confines of my daily life?  What small changes can I make to form a healthy habit?  Accountability is one of the main components of change.  Committing to a routine and being accountable if I don't stay the course.  What is it they say--21 days to form a habit?  I have been listening to a meditation in the mornings which helps me set up my day in a place of gratitude. I think it is making a difference on my overall approach to my day.  I want to create on this blog and build.  Writing is such a powerful outlet to release emotions, desires and ultimately, dreams.  It enables a platform to be accountable to yourself.  And make changes.
I spoke to my sister and her bestie about relationships with money.  They are fans of a man who is a little too old school for me.  My dad loves this guy.  I think I need help/assistance with the growing money or setting up passive income.  Their guru is too focused on getting out of debt.  And it makes sense for most people. I need tools to redevelop my belief system with money.  That will be my next task.
I hope you enjoy your start to the weekend.  I am off to walk the park, listen to a podcast and greet the day.  Cheers!

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