Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Recovering from my work week

As I get older, my body requires a full day (it seems) to reset from twelve hour shifts. I thought I could hack the double shift but wow, it really takes it out of me. I prepare by getting solid nights of sleep the two nights leading up to my work week.  I try to eat clean and allow myself time to fully rest and be healthy heading in to the weekend of work.  I still have not figured out the ideal balance. Saturday was manageable. I returned home at a decent time and drank more water before meditating. Sunday, I taught yoga in the morning, walked City Park, had lunch and then headed into work.  I was feeling fine. Same sort of story on Sunday night--home early-ish, eat dinner and meditate. Monday morning, I woke up at 5 a.m. to be able to some things for me before going into work by 9:45. Meditation first thing, walk City Park and listen to a podcast, breakfast and then drive downtown.  I had already done most of the prep for the day and so I was relaxed and ready for work. 
I manage to drink water and feel decent til about the ten hour point. Then exhaustion settles in. I feel that I declined quickly.  I could not wait to go home and shower.  It was all I could think about, lol.  I leave work and jump in the shower immediately. Basically, I enter my house, throw my clothes on the floor and shower. It is sort of comical and my new normal.  Similar to buying groceries. I return from the store and always forget something.  I am in such a hurry to get out of the store that I almost always forget one or two items.  I bring groceries in and wipe everything down with disinfectant, throw my mask in the hand sink to wash and then wash my hands.  Wash, rinse, repeat....exactly what I am now doing on my return from work routine.
Concluding my work night, post shower/washing hair, I find something to eat. It isn't perfect and I try to avoid dining that late normally. However, I know I need fuel for the body! When I skip it, the recovery takes much longer.  My first double back at work and the following day I treated myself to lunch and wine at a local spot. I went home and took a five hour nap. Lesson learned. Avoid overindulging following a double.  My sleep schedule was all out of whack!
Today, I woke up early to meditate before yoga clients.  Meditation helps and now I am struggling to stay awake. I suppose it is a good thing. I am working, healthy, and meeting people. I am hopeful to meet Christine for a loop around the park before allowing myself to take a nap.
The weather cooled off a bit which has been a welcome reprieve.  Last week was challenging to sleep and stay cool.  I woke up, twice, due to being too hot. I incorporated the wet a towel and place it on your chest method which helped a little.  Today, I foresee a lovely night of sleep!  I am taking a few days off from imbibing wine in preparation of my physical. Another way to adult--get life insurance.  I suppose I am trying to do things that I should have done years ago.  Focusing on my health and wellness makes me feel productive and positive.  Plus, it helps center my attention on things that in my control.  Ultimately, healthy for me, too.
I need a new book to add that aspect to my life. I have a few financial books to contend with but love a fiction book.  I might meet the Goddess next week to exchange books. I love sharing books!
The next few days I will continue to walk, meditate, listen to podcasts and relax. It is great to have the opportunity to slow down and pivot.  I am thankful for the time to do it.
Enjoy your night!  Cheers~

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