Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Class tonight

Join me, Denver!  The ultimate alternative happy hour.  I offer this class every month at the Jazzercise Studio in Skyland.  The studio space is welcoming.  I love this studio!  Clearly, Traci and her staff have created a lovely community of people.  I feel fortunate to be part of it.

Consider sixty minutes of yoga.  It is a mixed level class.  I offer modifications to make the session good for you.  The music is always a mash up of what I am currently listening to on my spotify.  Sometimes, 90's hip hop, Prince, JT or Chappel Roan (a current favorite).

Afterwards we nosh.  Monthly, I change up the menu which keeps me learning and honing that craft.  In addition, we connect with each other and build community.  I never know who will attend or what topics will come up.  Sometimes, health.  Sometimes, travel.  Sometimes, conflict.  But always with an open mind.  I am so thankful for the tribe I am part of.

Join me tonight!  Email me if you have questions--tastelifeyoga@gmail.com.  Check out my Detox to Retox Yoga class.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Keep Going

 I watched part of the DNC tonight.  First speech, HRC.  

Then, Jasmine Crockett.  Watched Raphael Warnock, Andy Brashear, and AOC.  Then rewatched HRC.  I loved Jasmine Crockett.  She is a fire brand.  Knows how to ignite the other side with facts and can back it up.  AOC also speaks to people and makes sense.  She is inspiring people to vote for this ticket.

They spoke of how powerful Warnock was....he was.  However, I wasn't that inspired personally.  I rewatched HRC and was blown away.  The idea that women couldn't vote 104 years ago.  That we are crushing the glass ceiling.  That we will make a difference.  It is time.

Get off of your ass and tune in.  If you want to support project 2025, tell me why.  How does it benefit you?  

If you are a woman, specifically.  Please explain why this is the vote you choose.  The limiting voice.  Minimizing.  Putting you back in the kitchen or in the fields (understand my reference to the Handmaid's Tale).  

Please remind me of how we benefit when we are unable to read, speak, voice our opinions.  Where we are similar to cattle.  Why are you considering this path?

I have worked for every dollar I have earned.  My parents sheltered me, fed me and clothed me until I was thirteen.  At which point, I was told that I would be responsible for additional clothing, vehicles, college. 

I do not blame my parents for these actions.  They were catholic.  No birth control allowed.

I only point this out to say that I have earned my money as a female.  Knowing that the proponents of Project 2025 would give my dad my earnings to handle my finances since clearly, I am unable to (in their opinion.  Women are mouthy).  And I am unmarried (what sin).  

However, it is okay when men choose to divorce their wives that are unfit.  Or women have chosen to leave unhappy unions.  

I choose my own happiness.

Think about what makes you inspired.  If you have a daughter, think about her rights that are being taken away.  Think about the goodness of making choices that reflect what makes sense to you.  Do not remain silent.

I observe people.  I see relationships of older folks *at times, specifically**

Where the man dictates the decisions.  His wife is mute.  Looks miserable. 

She reminds me how thankful I am that I can be MOUTHY AF.  Keep Going.  I am Rosie the Riveter

Saturday, August 17, 2024


We all have choices of how we want to live our lives.  Surviving or thriving.  I vacillate between the two.  Currently, surviving with hopes of thriving and succeeding on my own path.  

Breaking up with what is known and making a meaningful path.  It is frustrating.  I am frustrated.  I know that I am right, but the ups and downs associated with the uncertainty is challenging.  Having a steady paycheck feels normal.  And customary.  

Challenging that stereotype and truth is hard.  Yet, I am determined to that as I have since 2020.  I have been creating space in my life.  Time to focus on that passion.  And having the security blanket of the service industry at hand.  Always relying on familiarity and comfort.  

Navigating this path is challenging.  I am overwhelmed with positivism and doubt.  I wake up, knowledgeable and comfortable.  I wake up to nightmares of doubt, fear, guilt.  Sounds incredible, right?  Then, add into the mix, health issues and apartment things.  Also known as things out of my control.  Mostly the apartment stuff.  I do not have confirmed dates as to when they want to begin work or how long it will entail.  I am confused by my part in this.  The leak originated in the ceiling.  I commented on it, years ago, to no avail.  Now, work will be done but it is unclear when it will start.  It is confusing and conflicting.

Time to release it to the universe and see what occurs.  Prosperity and abundance.  Or fear and doubt.  I feel aligned with the uncertainty of where this road leads to abundance.  I release having to know how.  I know that it will. In all of my history, I have always had enough resources, assistance and health.  

I agreed to decrease my wine intake in solidarity with Tom.  He is aligning with his health and purpose.  He must detox his life and be open to adjusting his health.  More breathwork.  More activity and health.  I am here to help and support.  I want him to succeed on this new path.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Your mouth was so dirty....

Our love was comfortable.  and, so broken in.....she's perfect.  So flawless.  Or so they sayyyyyyyy...what a song.  I know there are people who do not like John Mayer.  I have always been a fan girl.  Even during his ridiculous, asshole rants.

And this song, is the best.  

I love music.  I do.  But, seeing people in person is a challenge.  The parking.  Crowds.  Dealing with maneuvering the experience.  yet, after seeing the Foo Fighters, I would totally see John Mayer.  I love his music. I would make it work.  Whatever it took.  

I am jamming out to his music currently.

Holding out for a home life.  Sitting in traffic on a highway.  I refuse to believe that my life is going to be....We said eternity.  I will go to my grave with the love that I gave....

Happy to be healthy and able to make choices that benefit me.  I listen to podcasts and try not to default into the crazy.  It isn't easy.  I am unwilling to willingly walk into the Handmaid's Tale that republicans are proposing.  And they are.  The extremism of project 2025 is that.  The Handmaid's Tale.  The openingly disgusting ode to the nationalist right.

It is that disgusting and disturbing.  You are willingly giving your votes away,  Know this.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Midweek class

Tomorrow night, I am offering a yoga class at City Park.  6:30 pm.  Meet for sixty minutes of yoga and an opportunity to network afterwards.  Check out a session if you are in Denver.

Make the most of your day.  I encourage movement, breathwork and connection.  Yoga enables all three.  I am more of an a.m. exercise person.  But I do love the happy hour classes.  The sun is winding down and the energy at the park is off the chart.  Typically, there are people walking, people playing volleyball or kickball and enjoying being outside.  The last few weeks in Denver have been HOT!  To the point where I prefer hibernating indoors from 10:30-5 pm.  I do not want to be outside under the intense sun.  After five it starts to cool down and enable a return to nature.

Join me for a class this week!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Clear headed and accountable

New month.  New focus.  New energy.  I woke up and meditated for eight minutes.  I hope to build momentum and work up to thirty minutes daily.  Still trying to find the best guided meditation where I am able to focus and truly benefit from meditation.  

Afterwards, I juiced, drank lemon water, made coffee and an egg scramble.  Utilizing items found in my fridge in an attempt to improve multi-purposing food.  I despise food waste.  There are small things I have been testing out.  Blanching yukon potatoes and asparagus to add to egg tortillas or a nicoise salad.  Seems to be helping me be more domestic and minimize the convenience of dining out.  I am improving (somewhat).  

I realize that I juice every morning.  I decided to start juicing two and a half years ago after talking to my friend, Brie.  At that point, my blender was my favorite appliance.  Creating new smoothies in an attempt to be healthy.  I didn't have a juicer, nor did I have any interest in purchasing one.  They tend to be difficult to clean up and expensive.

Brie lent me her juicier when I drove to Florida in 2022 for the annual trip.  That year, Shari and I met in St. Petersburg to visit Sara Jo, Shari's sisters, Melody from Santa Fe & Brie.  I drove cross country to stop in Dallas and New Orleans.  It was an epic trip.  Regardless, after spending five days with the ladies and using the juicer each morning, I considered purchasing one.  Unbeknownst to me, my friend, Roxie had an unused juicer sitting in her pantry.  She felt that it was taking up space and offered to give it to me.  How could I refuse that offer?

I used that juicer for over a year (until I killed it.  Literally, it was smoking on the final day of use).  Devastated, I lamented to Tom how I was really sad by the loss of Juno (my juicer.  I tend to name cars and other items of importance after Greek Goddesses).

Tom bought Juno 2.0 which was an inexpensive juicer.  So far, Juno 2.0 has been fantastic.  Quicker than Juno and an easier clean up.  I use a mix of fruits, vegetables, citrus, ginger and turmeric.  Sometimes, it is hard to find turmeric, so it is an infrequent item.  But I always have a mix.  Rarely is it ever vegetables only and never just fruit.  I think the sweetness would be too much.

In an attempt to drink more water, I have been doing infused waters.  Strawberries, cucumbers and ginger.  Or pineapple, ginger and lime.  It has been awesome to change up the water and benefit from the hydration.  

As noted, new month, new focus, new energy.  Accountability is the underlying theme and embracing new energy.  Be it, cooking more at home, decreasing happy hours and focusing on building my business and brand.  No more talking.  It is time to act.

Make it a great month.  What are you focusing on?  Gratitude?  Health?  Having more fun?  Releasing anger?  Think about it and make it your best month of 2024.

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Small print on the newsletter.  I apologize.  Testing out new things and wanting to be more consistent with creating new habits.  And sticking with the habit.  

More and more I am seeing signs that I am on the right track.  In the past, I have refused to embrace the open doors that I am presented.  I stick with the familiar, known road.  It is no longer working for me to adhere to the comfort zone.  Money can always be made but time cannot be recovered.  I know that I am not the first person to identify this or lament the loss of time.  

Who wants to end life with regret?  Why do we subscribe to the this is how you are supposed to be successful life that works for everyone?  You know the one.... college, get married, buy a home, have kids, work 40 plus years, retire and enjoy maybe ten years of your life.  Sounds dreadful to me.  Especially the work for forty plus years in a job you probably don't like or feel inspired by.

As such, I have opted to embrace the unconventional path with gratitude.  I love all of the travel I have managed to do.  Some of my favorites would be Vietnam, South Africa, and Colombia.  I have been fortunate to create time and finance the trips.  Now I am embarking on being my own boss.  It is hard.  No one to hold me accountable for my lack of progress.  I tend to excel at the social interactions and less so with the administration.  I am improving and want to be in a more stable position by the end of the year.  

I do not regret at all, choosing to travel and experience life.  Who knows where I would be had I not moved to Denver.  I believe it would be somewhere in the western part of the U.S.  I have always been attracted to the vibe of the west and southwest.  Although, I do enjoy New Orleans in the south.  For a brief moment, I flirted with the idea of relocating there.  Working in the Marigny or in the Garden District.  Soaking up all of the culture and food.  I do love the food factor in NOLA.

Or perhaps abroad.  There has always been a part of me yearning to live abroad.  Spain, Italy, Costa Rica or South Africa.  I had lovely experiences in each of those places.  Maybe I could have created my own type of eat, pray, love....

I digress.  Accountability and habits increase the changes I am wanting to make.  Here is to that commitment.

Thursday, August 1, 2024