Sunday, August 4, 2024


Small print on the newsletter.  I apologize.  Testing out new things and wanting to be more consistent with creating new habits.  And sticking with the habit.  

More and more I am seeing signs that I am on the right track.  In the past, I have refused to embrace the open doors that I am presented.  I stick with the familiar, known road.  It is no longer working for me to adhere to the comfort zone.  Money can always be made but time cannot be recovered.  I know that I am not the first person to identify this or lament the loss of time.  

Who wants to end life with regret?  Why do we subscribe to the this is how you are supposed to be successful life that works for everyone?  You know the one.... college, get married, buy a home, have kids, work 40 plus years, retire and enjoy maybe ten years of your life.  Sounds dreadful to me.  Especially the work for forty plus years in a job you probably don't like or feel inspired by.

As such, I have opted to embrace the unconventional path with gratitude.  I love all of the travel I have managed to do.  Some of my favorites would be Vietnam, South Africa, and Colombia.  I have been fortunate to create time and finance the trips.  Now I am embarking on being my own boss.  It is hard.  No one to hold me accountable for my lack of progress.  I tend to excel at the social interactions and less so with the administration.  I am improving and want to be in a more stable position by the end of the year.  

I do not regret at all, choosing to travel and experience life.  Who knows where I would be had I not moved to Denver.  I believe it would be somewhere in the western part of the U.S.  I have always been attracted to the vibe of the west and southwest.  Although, I do enjoy New Orleans in the south.  For a brief moment, I flirted with the idea of relocating there.  Working in the Marigny or in the Garden District.  Soaking up all of the culture and food.  I do love the food factor in NOLA.

Or perhaps abroad.  There has always been a part of me yearning to live abroad.  Spain, Italy, Costa Rica or South Africa.  I had lovely experiences in each of those places.  Maybe I could have created my own type of eat, pray, love....

I digress.  Accountability and habits increase the changes I am wanting to make.  Here is to that commitment.

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