Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Midweek class

Tomorrow night, I am offering a yoga class at City Park.  6:30 pm.  Meet for sixty minutes of yoga and an opportunity to network afterwards.  Check out a session if you are in Denver.

Make the most of your day.  I encourage movement, breathwork and connection.  Yoga enables all three.  I am more of an a.m. exercise person.  But I do love the happy hour classes.  The sun is winding down and the energy at the park is off the chart.  Typically, there are people walking, people playing volleyball or kickball and enjoying being outside.  The last few weeks in Denver have been HOT!  To the point where I prefer hibernating indoors from 10:30-5 pm.  I do not want to be outside under the intense sun.  After five it starts to cool down and enable a return to nature.

Join me for a class this week!

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