Saturday, August 17, 2024


We all have choices of how we want to live our lives.  Surviving or thriving.  I vacillate between the two.  Currently, surviving with hopes of thriving and succeeding on my own path.  

Breaking up with what is known and making a meaningful path.  It is frustrating.  I am frustrated.  I know that I am right, but the ups and downs associated with the uncertainty is challenging.  Having a steady paycheck feels normal.  And customary.  

Challenging that stereotype and truth is hard.  Yet, I am determined to that as I have since 2020.  I have been creating space in my life.  Time to focus on that passion.  And having the security blanket of the service industry at hand.  Always relying on familiarity and comfort.  

Navigating this path is challenging.  I am overwhelmed with positivism and doubt.  I wake up, knowledgeable and comfortable.  I wake up to nightmares of doubt, fear, guilt.  Sounds incredible, right?  Then, add into the mix, health issues and apartment things.  Also known as things out of my control.  Mostly the apartment stuff.  I do not have confirmed dates as to when they want to begin work or how long it will entail.  I am confused by my part in this.  The leak originated in the ceiling.  I commented on it, years ago, to no avail.  Now, work will be done but it is unclear when it will start.  It is confusing and conflicting.

Time to release it to the universe and see what occurs.  Prosperity and abundance.  Or fear and doubt.  I feel aligned with the uncertainty of where this road leads to abundance.  I release having to know how.  I know that it will. In all of my history, I have always had enough resources, assistance and health.  

I agreed to decrease my wine intake in solidarity with Tom.  He is aligning with his health and purpose.  He must detox his life and be open to adjusting his health.  More breathwork.  More activity and health.  I am here to help and support.  I want him to succeed on this new path.  

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