Monday, August 19, 2024

Keep Going

 I watched part of the DNC tonight.  First speech, HRC.  

Then, Jasmine Crockett.  Watched Raphael Warnock, Andy Brashear, and AOC.  Then rewatched HRC.  I loved Jasmine Crockett.  She is a fire brand.  Knows how to ignite the other side with facts and can back it up.  AOC also speaks to people and makes sense.  She is inspiring people to vote for this ticket.

They spoke of how powerful Warnock was....he was.  However, I wasn't that inspired personally.  I rewatched HRC and was blown away.  The idea that women couldn't vote 104 years ago.  That we are crushing the glass ceiling.  That we will make a difference.  It is time.

Get off of your ass and tune in.  If you want to support project 2025, tell me why.  How does it benefit you?  

If you are a woman, specifically.  Please explain why this is the vote you choose.  The limiting voice.  Minimizing.  Putting you back in the kitchen or in the fields (understand my reference to the Handmaid's Tale).  

Please remind me of how we benefit when we are unable to read, speak, voice our opinions.  Where we are similar to cattle.  Why are you considering this path?

I have worked for every dollar I have earned.  My parents sheltered me, fed me and clothed me until I was thirteen.  At which point, I was told that I would be responsible for additional clothing, vehicles, college. 

I do not blame my parents for these actions.  They were catholic.  No birth control allowed.

I only point this out to say that I have earned my money as a female.  Knowing that the proponents of Project 2025 would give my dad my earnings to handle my finances since clearly, I am unable to (in their opinion.  Women are mouthy).  And I am unmarried (what sin).  

However, it is okay when men choose to divorce their wives that are unfit.  Or women have chosen to leave unhappy unions.  

I choose my own happiness.

Think about what makes you inspired.  If you have a daughter, think about her rights that are being taken away.  Think about the goodness of making choices that reflect what makes sense to you.  Do not remain silent.

I observe people.  I see relationships of older folks *at times, specifically**

Where the man dictates the decisions.  His wife is mute.  Looks miserable. 

She reminds me how thankful I am that I can be MOUTHY AF.  Keep Going.  I am Rosie the Riveter

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