Sunday, May 8, 2022

mother's day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.  I felt fortunate to text and call a few of my favorite mothers.  I have many friends that chose to be mothers and they excel in this role.  I also appreciate that they retained their identity, their passions, and what makes them unique. 

I say this as I consider the state of this country.  What is being proposed as a reality for what it means to be a woman.  I do not want to reflect more, currently, since that rabbit hole may engulf me.

It is beautiful to choose to be a mother.  To raise a human being.  And you should not have to sacrifice yourself in the process.  A few of my clients made sure to let me know that they took me time today and I think it is amazing.  We all need to be refilling our cups.  Putting our needs, first, so we are able to share with others.  

I think I have been more reflective during the last two years.  What is this shift?  Is is all about pushing back to where we need to be going instead of returning to what we know?  Is there a better way to navigate life?  More opportunity, spirituality, health?

I picked up a book that I do not think I will be able to finish.  It relates to the rust belt and the poverty that has ensued.  I do not like the narrator's voice.  He seems too arrongant and judgmental.  Maybe, I am being judgmental.  I don't know.  I feel like I want to resist this particular author.  

I have managed to avoid most of political b.s. since I do not watch the news.  Still, I see snippets on social media.  It's all a call to action and so I probably should take one day off.  I saw something, today, where a man is running for office inspite of the fact that he killed his wife.  In his defense, his supporters say he has every right to run since he hasn't been charged yet.  WTF?  It is insanity.

I see stuff like that and I want to pull my hair out.  I start seeing red and get heated.  This does nothing for me.  Instead, I fall into the cycle that I am trying to shun.  I really do not want to go there today or ever really.  I know that it is impossible.  At some point, I will have that confrontation of my beliefs and voicing them, unapologetically.

Stand tall with where you a woman, a daughter, mother, sister, friend, girl friend, partner and wife. Do not lost your light to keep the waters calm.

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