Monday, December 19, 2022

Saturday morning vibes

I have the best clients.

Seriously.  They are on time, attentive and bring gifts.  Bear claws, bubbles and sometimes, the random Sonicare toothbrush.  I think about relocating and then I remember how fortunate I am.  My clients are amazing!

Today, we tried out a new flow and active sequence.  Instead of doing chatarangas, we did pushups in the sun salutation A.  It was a nice change up.  Why not throw in a little bit of strength?  

My intention was to finish this on Saturday.  Instead, I got sidetracked by packing and work.  The restaurant was busy, and I was there until 12:15 which is not normal.  I was in bed by 1 am and woke up at 5:45 to drive to Santa Fe.  Initially, I had hoped to leave by 6 instead of 7 am.  I was co-hosting book club with Tom and wanted to be able to help him prep.  The drive south was smooth, and I arrived at 11:52.  Making great time.  I was incredibly thankful for the timing.  

Book club was fun.  We had oysters, Bolognese, charcuterie--cheese, prosciutto, sausage, and a seven-layer Greek dip.  That was my contribution.  Surprisingly, it was well received.  An afternoon of lively conversation, music and wine.  Tom's friends met a few of mine and it was great.  His friends have attended book club before, and I think the addition of my friends was a nice change up.  

I will be in Santa Fe till Wednesday.  I have an in-person session at my apartment on Wednesday evening.  I am leading a winter solstice session with light appetizers to follow.  The seven-layer dip will make an appearance.  It is the perfect rehydrating snack.  Salty, savory and somewhat healthy.  I could minimize the feta and make it more health driven.  I believe four students will be in attendance.  Any more than that and I will be teaching from my bedroom.  

It is time to embrace the solstice and the importance of it.  Reflect, release and set intentions for the new season.  Perfect timing for beginning 2023.  Isn't it time to try something new in your life?  Tom has a project in his home that he has spoken about for the last eight months.  I am ready to YouTube how to tile a home.  I am tired of talking about it.  I want to have it done to help make his home feel more settled.  And I am prepared to learn how to do it instead of continuing to talk about it. 

I hope to reflect on other areas that I can grow and learn.  I feel a pull to Santa Fe and believe I will relocate in the next six to eight months.  How to make yoga work in Santa Fe and retain clients?  Some prefer in-person sessions.  Others are fine with virtual.  I am a fan of both.  There is convenience in the zoom classes.  In-person classes are more energetic.  As noted, I never know what to expect.  Bear claws offered, watching KU basketball or contemplating monkey pox?  I never know what to expect and it is fantastic.  

Happy Monday!  Make it a beautiful week.

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