Monday, March 21, 2022

Equinox and other thoughts

Create.  Visualize.  Make it happen.

The Spring Equinox happened yesterday morning. I looked at it as an opportunity for a few things. Introduce my clients to performing sun salutations in the purest sense of a moving meditation. And, potentially, attempting the 108 sequence myself for my own practice.

Saturday, I led five students in a mix of salutations.  We did twenty sun A's and then nine sun B's.  I varied the sun b's to keep it interesting.  Supersizing the sun salutations wore us all down. Still, I believe that everyone enjoyed this particular class. I had a new student which keeps me hopeful that I am on the right path.  As noted, sometimes, I struggle with this decision to embark on this entrepreneurial path.  It can be scary!

For my own practice, I wanted to challenge myself to the 108.  There is a studio that I join in zoom classes and benefit greatly.  They were offering an equinox sequence on Sunday morning. I signed up and when I received the confirmation, I saw that we would be finishing the 108 within an hour. I did not know how that would work out. Typically, I have done 108 short of one hour and fifteen minutes.  Holding down dog for three breaths before completing the sequence.  The instructor broke down the class for us.  We would do the salutations in blocks of thirty-six.  He said not to count. Instead we would have fifteen minutes to do the first 36. 

I wasn't prepared to count the salutations.  And, I was pretty exhausted from Restaurant Week.  The previous night wore me down.  I ended up eating pizza at 11 pm.  Long story but not exactly ideal.  Waking up, Sunday, I considered skipping the class.  I knew I would regret it and that my body truly needed it.  The initial block we were told to focus on celebration.  Many things to consider in my life.  It kept me centered as I attempted the first 36.  I made it to 28 before the time expired.  I was distracted by my choice of yoga pants. They were long pants instead of the capri yoga pants that I prefer.  In our first break, I changed my clothes instead of chilling in child's pose.

We started the next 36 but I had prepared. I grabbed nine pens to move to track my progress.  I couldn't help it. I had to know how many I was doing. Counting in my head eventually, I trip up and lose track.  We were instructed to focus on what we were hoping to manifest during this block.  I have meditating to this focal point the last few weeks.  It seemed fitting.

The last block, we were told to consider what we could let go of.  For me, it was almost immediate. I knew what I wanted to let go of.  There is this version of myself that no longer exists.  I wanted to let go of her and some of those relationships.  Tying into that, is releasing some of the emotions--hurt, fear, anger.  Letting go of the fear of this path.  

The instructor mentioned the last part would be the most difficult.  Working through the exhaustion and getting to the end.  For me, I think, I did the best in that phase. I had energy reserves and the determination to complete the task.  The letting go aspect resonated the most with me.  Fear, hurt, anger have all managed to keep me stagnant.  I am ready for a new chapter.  Maybe even a new story.

I hope you enjoy your Monday.  I had the most incredible Thai massage this morning.  The therapist popped my sternum somehow.  Amazing!  I felt that entire area pop/adjust/release.  I look forward to arranging more sessions with this studio.

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