Tuesday, March 15, 2022

stagnation and moving forward

I realized that I have been a little restless lately.  Indecisive about pursuing goals and remaining still.  Remaining stagnant with the status quo.  Until I was woken up at 6:30 a.m. with my landlord entering my apartment.  Abruptly woken up, disheveled and trying to figure out what was going on. She seemed intent on checking my toilet. After assessing the situation she determined that it was okay.  I was still grasping the reality of what was going on.

I called her around 9:30 to follow up and see when the plumber would be arriving.  I cleaned out my bathroom so he would have easy access to the toilet.  Then, I had to leave my apartment since I had appointments already arranged.  I tried to not obsess over what this could mean.  When I first moved into this apartment almost five years ago, I had a memorable plumbing situation.  I want to avoid having a repeat of that situation at all costs.  Basically, I had to move in with Sara for a week while they fixed the toilet.  At one point, I was offered a camping porta potty as a possible solution.  It was insanity!  There is more to that story but I will spare you.  

I met Brie for lunch and when I returned home, I knew that the plumber had not been to my apartment. I call my landlord again to see what was happening. At this point, she said she had not called the plumber since everything seemed fine.  Yet, at 6:30 a.m. it was an emergency and she entered my apartment without my consent.  

There seems to be a disconnect in her reasoning.  

The on premise handyman entered my apartment to assess the situation.  I expressed to him my unease with my landlord entering my apartment and that I believe the plumber should be called. There is some sort of issue.  My toilet is constantly running. And, on Sunday, I woke up to a plethora of water from the toilet overflowing.  There was no indication that I would wake up to this when I went to bed on Saturday.  So as much as my landlord wants to avoid calling the plumber, there is a need.  And, I believe that since she entered my apartment causing me a ton of distress and lack of trust, she should find out what is going on. 

This leads me back to this feeling of stagnation. I pondered what options I had.  Could I buy my own place?  Am I ready to do this?  Should I stay where I am and endure more situations that are out of my control?  Could I use Brie as my realtor when I am ready?  What else should I be considering? Relocating?  And, if so, where would I go?  Could I go abroad?

I can teach remotely. I could be teaching in exotic places.  I could be living fully every day.  So as much as I was irritated with the situation of my landlord, maybe it is time to make a change.  

I have been happy in this home.  I love the bay windows, hardwood floors and location.  There are many positives in my living situation.  I live within walking distance to multiple grocery stores, liquor, stores and restaurants. I am within three blocks of a beautiful park where I spend the majority of my time listening to podcasts, absorbing sunshine and getting movement.  

Then, something like this happens to remind me that I could be in a better situation.  I have been fine renting all of these years.  Is it time for me to invest in real estate?  Can I make it happen somewhere in Denver? Do I want this to be my permanent home? What are my limiting beliefs that are keeping me in this situation?

I am about to get outside. I have been waiting for the plumber for almost 40 minutes. I need to get some sort of activity before going into work.  I need movement, alignment and time to ponder. I feel this pull to make a change.  Maybe not within the next few months, but soon. It is time.

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