Tuesday, March 22, 2022

House plant aka my current state of mind

Working.  We all do it.  

It's sort of required unless you are independently wealthy.  Or, came from money.  If neither of things are true--you work for yourself or someone else. For the majority of my life, I have worked for other people.  It has worked in my favor.  Flexibility, being nourished (fed, depending on the restaurant) and having access to cash daily.  (That changed in the last ten years.  Many restaurants have changed to a two week paycheck which always seems so odd considering the cash factor)

Still it has always been beneficial  Work equates to money.  

When I chose to work for myself, I still wanted supplemental income. Working in a restaurant is natural to me.  I thrive in this environment.  It's all food, wine, talking.  Sure, I can be salty.  And, as I age, that is part of my charm.  And, I always pour bottles of wine.  It is part of the service.  A few times, during the pandemic, I noticed that servers were no longer partaking in that service.  

I love opening bottles of wine.  It is something that I look forward to in all actuality. 

Last week was Restaurant Week.  In the last sixteen years, I have managed to avoid this particular week.  Typically, it falls at the end of February which is my holiday.  I won't work 2/28 ever again.  In all of my jobs, they have given me this date off. 

Then, the week is moved and I have no excuse not to work. Of course, I want to help them out. I do.  And it is hard work.  I took two days off and still managed to sleep the majority of my last two days off.  

I felt like a house plant.  I needed water, sunshine, nourishment.  I wanted energy and the ability to shine.  

Initially, I felt fine staying, indoors, all day.  I could rejuvenate on my couch and listen to a podcast or stream something.  

Then, I recognized that I wanted more pure energy.  Sunshine, nutrients, movement.  Maybe, massage.  Totally, a massage.  This chick popped my sternum.  Actually, it felt like she popped my entire rib cage.  It was incredible.  I had never experienced that before.

I recognize I need more grounding, time to rest, and saturate myself with goodness.  Totally like a houseplant.  Writing, too, provides nourishment and an outlet for me.  We all need outlets.

Enjoy your night.  Keep doing you!

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