Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Happy Hump Day and some improvements

Ankle is improving and I see many walks in my future.  I am incredibly thankful for my health.  When I was younger, the bounce back factor happened much quicker than now.  Now, I must take steps to baby whatever ailment I am dealing with.  For example, I spent three days elevating my leg, sleeping on my couch, soaking my feet in Epsom salts, wrapping my ankle in apple cider vinegar, icing, taking pain medication and resting.  I couldn't push it like I did in 2018.  I didn't really have a choice.  I had been hired at a high-volume restaurant and had thirteen days of training to complete.  

In hindsight, I should have gone to a physical therapist sooner than I did.  Stubbornly, I thought I would be able to right the injury.  I had not dealt with a high ankle sprain until that point and had no idea how difficult it would be to fix.  In my mind, I thought if I went to a doctor, the doctor would tell me to rest, ice, compress and take alleve--all of things that I was doing already.  It seemed foolish to pay someone to tell me to do things I was already doing.

However, looking back, had I gone to a physical therapist instead of a doctor, I probably could have avoided the lengthy recovery, all of the acupuncture I paid for (hoping to get some relief) and what is happening now.  Each time I tweak it, I sweat through the knowledge that I will be told I need to rebreak it to fix it.  I think that is my fear or the worst-case scenario.  It is there in my mind.  I avoided wearing a boot but probably should have.

I must be careful with my right ankle.  Each time I tweak it, it makes it worse, and my recovery takes longer.  The therapist the other day asked me how my achilles tendon was and I was so grateful to respond that it felt fine.  That would have been a tragedy.

I have been able to continue to teach yoga, daily.  I make a few modifications and focus on the client.  Balance will become an issue for me.  I know that I must make that a priority to strengthen and stabilize my ankle.  Perhaps a chiropractic adjustment is in my future.  It is all connected.  If I am overcompensating to address my weak ankle, everything else will be affected.  Plus, I could use a neck adjustment.  I do love having my neck cracked.

Midway through the week.  How is it going for you?  My week is pretty awesome.  More yoga.  More vision and productivity.  Plus, Chef Tom is visiting, which always improves my mood.  Here is to a successful remainder of the week!

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