Friday, November 26, 2021

Wasting time, maybe?

Worrying is the misuse of imagination.

I saw that on IG this morning and it is perfect.  Especially for where I am at right now.  Yesterday was a great day.  I hiked at Matthew Winters Park, made lunch and caught up with some friends and family.  I had a conversation with someone that I have been wanting to talk to for some time.  It was okay, not fantastic by any means.  Of course, being me, I overanalyze how it went all day and all night.  I did a few shots of tequila and decided to leave a voice message which did not help.  My mind is constantly obsessing.

It was a nonstop loop until I woke up this morning.  I am thankful we spoke and now I can keep moving forward. I can't change how things went or where things are.  I can only know that I am in the right place, right now.  I can choose to move forward or stuck in the situation.  I choose to move forward.

The morning was a loss.  The couch was too inviting until I made myself get up and get outside. I am so thankful I walked City Park.  I managed to talk with my sister for almost and hour!  Typically, we chat on Saturdays bt I had a lot of mind and wanted to sort it out.  It felt fantastic to process and get a little fitness in.  

My health is a priority.  Sometimes, I get in a funk. In the last few months, I think I have been in a funk.  Putting energy into situations that are no longer serving me.  I really need to make myself and wellness a priority.  Speak softly and kindly about what I am doing or trying to achieve.  

The follow up of the IG meme was that two days from now you will realize that everything is fine and will work out.  Why is it normal to create stress by overthinking? I even considered relocating to a different state.  Ironically, my sister asked if I would move to another state today.  I have thought about it, a little.  I would move west.  She asked if I would ever move back to Kansas, lol.  Absolutely not!  That would be moving backwards.

I guess I miss travel and was confused by the current state of affairs with one of my friends.  Lack of communication will do that  It makes me crazy!  Regardless of the outcome of the conversation, I always feel better talking it out.  Yesterday, so much was left unsaid.  I always tread lightly with this person so that we can keep talking.  In all fairness to me, I should have pressed more for my own mindfulness.  Maybe next time.

I hope you have a fantastic day.  I feel healthier and thankful.

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