Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday Motivation

 Do Epic Shit!

That is my message this Monday.  Do Epic Shit!  For me, it means reflecting on the habits I am creating and seeing how they are benefitting me.  As noted, I wanted to thrive this year, not just survive.  I had to reassess things I do, daily, and do something different.  I cannot expect different results if I continue to do the same things.  I cannot only think about having a different reality.  

And speaking of thinking....if I do not believe I can actually achieve something more than likely I won't.  I am reading books on finance, investing, psychology of money and loosely, considering all things entrepreneurial.  All of these ideas return to mindset.  It is nuts.  I can think I am positive or that I have a healthy outlook on money and abundance.  Yet, realistically, there are doubts ingrained in me.  They create blockages in actually having abundance flow to me effortlessly.

Knowing this, I have attempted to alter my age old beliefs.  Slowly, I think it is changing.  This month, I have been waking up naturally and immediately doing sun salutations.  I started with ten and have increased to 20.  After my breathwork and movement, I meditate while using my infrared dry sauna for thirty to thirty-five minutes.  This is setting the tone for how I approach the day.  Productivity is leading to more opportunities to achieve more.  Small changes lead to epic shit!

I hope you are able to tweak your daily routine.  Add a small change and see where it leads you.  More movement, changing your mindset, journaling, abundance, more travel, etc.  How can you change up your routine and acquire new results?

We all create our own personal situation.  We plant seeds, water them and then seem surprised when we end up with what we wanted.  I wanted to do my own thing.  I have been working towards this slowly distancing myself from the comforts of what I know.  I have been trying to do more than exist for awhile.

Get outside, get some movement and enjoy basking in the sun.  This is a new day and opportunity to shine.  Happy Monday Motivation!🙏

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