Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Snow Day

Snowy day inspires doing nothing.  Maybe reading.  Definitely not venturing outside.  
It isn't terrible, it just looks cold and unappealing for me.  I woke up at 5:40, naturally, and began my day.  20 sun salutations, 35 minutes in the infrared sauna and reflection.  I could have spent time, meditating, and I should have.  I was not feeling it this morning. I was distracted by things I hope to accomplish today.
I cleaned my house and tried to map out my day.  I feel that I go, in and out, of planning the evening before. I should make it a habit.  It would help with productivity.  Instead of wasting time on figuring out what tasks I should focus on, I would have a to-do list set up.  Maybe I will work on that tonight.
Somehow, I did re-correct and I have had a productive morning.  Read the psychology of money book, currently blogging and will read more of the finances outline afterwards.  
I may or may not be teaching this afternoon.  My sister has to run an errand in another town and is uncertain on her timing.  Plus, her daughter now has soccer practice which is conflicting with our yoga sessions.  I applaud my niece on being active and support it, obviously.  My other client has been under the weather and a little vague on what she is looking for.  I am not freaking out about it.  I am letting things happen and staying centered.
I suppose it helps that I have been listening to positive podcasts, life coaches and entrepreneurs.  I stumbled across a free offering with a huge motivator that I am excited to tune into.  I found it yesterday on social media and they want us to introduce ourselves to the the group.  After reading some of the stories, I do not know how beneficial this is going to be for me.  I will listen and glean insights but I do not want to parade my dirty laundry to a ton of people that I do not know.  It isn't just that.  Some of the most challenging things that I have went through are in the past. I do not want to dredge them up.  A few of the stories are full of trauma and hardship.  I feel bad for these situations but I am not in that mindset.  I am hoping to build on my foundation and keep moving forward.  Returning to trauma feels counterproductive.  Maybe I am being overly critical of this.  I don't know.  
I think I have 15-20 books that I need to read.  They are resting on my coffee table, entry table and dresser. Constant reminders that I do have something to do outside of streaming something on my laptop.  I am pretty skilled at that distraction, lol.
My trip to Florida is in a month.  It has flown by.  I plan on teaching remotely. I need to confer with a few of my clients that I see in person to see if that is something they are interested in.  I think it is beneficial to stick to the routine.  2022 is all about routine, habits and growth as a result.  
I need to research the opportunities for paddle boarding in St. Petersburg. I know they offer it and wine sails. Those are always a legit way to enjoy the sunset, water and wine.  
I made stirfry the other night.  It was delicious.  I think paella should be manageable. However, it might be disastrous or a colossal failure.  I will invest in extra vermouth to distract.
Many opportunities and plans to figure out.  January will conclude with reflection and insights into how to proceed with the remainder of the year.

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