Thursday, January 13, 2022

New kicks

How awesome is it to put on a new pair of shoes?  I spend money on food, wine and experiences. I have no issue with these desires.  

In terms of shopping, I tend to seek out consignment stores.  It can be awesome or a dud of an adventure.  I have found amazing dresses at a shop in Santa Fe.  In the last year, that shop was closed for a big portion due to the pandemic and when it did reopen, the seasonal clothes were not what I was interested in.

I spend money on shoes, too.  I receive notifications from Sierra Trading Post with updates on their attire.  I look, sometimes.  The other day, I was lured in. They had multiple available Saucony's in my size which is rare.  With no hesitation, I purchased and shoes.  Then, to avoid shipping costs, of course, you must add on to the order.  I love socks!  Wool socks to be precise.  I remember, as a kid, opening christmas presents and being dismayed by the abundance of socks, bras and panties.  Every year, without fail, these items were part of my gifts.  I hated it!

Now, I love buying new socks and panties.  The small things in life, lol.  My package arrived yesterday.  New sneakers and six pairs of socks.  I am so thankful!

I dreamt of my tendencies to isolate last night.  I know that I must have a better, more balanced reaction to danger and/or uncomfortable stimuli.  I do not want to be controlling, but maybe, more assertive. Does that make sense?  

Moreover, I have been thinking about my money mindset.  Truly, I am ready to be more than content.  I want to be experiencing more of life.  This year, I am going to do more and figure it out along the way.  Stop being boxed in by what I should be doing.

I woke up at 5:15. I will be preparing for my early morning tomorrow.  The seminar begins at 5 am. Will I actually wake up in time to participate???

The small things are what I am most grateful for--new shoes, clean water, opportunity to focus on myself. 2022 is going to be a great year!

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