Friday, January 21, 2022

sober January, productivity and it working?

This month is flying original plan was to do soberish January.  I figured three weeks was more than enough time to commemorate this practice.  I didn't think that I wanted to do the entire month and didn't want to commit to it in fear that I would falter and drink wine.  Imagine my surprise where after one week, I wanted to extend it through January.  I am still shocked, lol.

But, I have been more capable and productive.  Setting goals and to-do lists and completing them with few distractions.  I can be social.  I enjoy meeting friends and catching up.  My friend, Roxanne, and I always have the best of intentions.  Meet for yoga or a walk and then treat ourselves to wine lunch.  I cannot tell you how many times we have met for a "walk" and skipped it to enjoy a glass of wine or three.  I am pretty consistent about yoga dates.  It behooves me to be consistent and follow through.  Sometimes, I am tempted to skip teaching but I know that no one will care about my business as much as me.  I must take responsibility for my decisions.  It is one thing to skip a walk, and another, to postpone teaching.

Yet, I wanted more this year and I cannot have different results if I never move outside of my comfort zone.  I cannot expect to continue learning, upgrading my skills and knowledge if I never read or research.  I cannot only socialize and expect things to change.  I have been making small steps to increase the odds of a year of thriving.

This year is all about growth.  I want to do more and I expect more of myself.  I am reading a book about trading and recognize that the first step is changing my mindset.  I can read all I want.  And, I am.  Yet, if I look at trading as throwing away money I am creating a headache for myself.  It is goes back to childhood and changing those beliefs is challenging.  I am interested in trading.  I see how it could be addictive and overwhelming.  The book suggests being able to make smart decisions.  Not get cocky and lazy.  I think I need to read more and get my mindset correct before beginning.

Adulting has also been a focus for January.  Annual optometry exam, upcoming dental visit and I added acupuncture to the mix.  Two of the three appointments have been handled and I have the dentist to look forward to at the end of the month.  Looking forward to, not dreading.  Acupuncture was great.  I revisited a former DOM that has always been a wealth of knowledge.  He is well versed in chinese medicine and I trust him. Looking back on the intake (and it is super intrusive) I was sort of surprised at how forthcoming I was as to why I was there.  It worked in my favor as he knew exactly what needed to be done and thanked me for my honesty.  Why hedge around uncomfortable conversations when it comes to your health?

Today, I had lunch at one of my former jobs.  I went in to say goodbye to a former colleague. It was lovely.  Saw a few customers that I use to wait on and a few friends.  I made sure to finish up in a timely manner so that I could return in time to teach a class at 2 pm. Sober January does have its benefits.  My departure from this place was much easier than normal.  Typically, I start my departure and leave an hour plus later.  

It is still easy to procrastinate and rely on take out.  I am embarrassed by how much I prefer ordering take out to cooking when I feel uninspired.  I needed to purchase some goods today but it was snowing and I decided to drive home and prep for my yoga class instead of dealing with the light dusting.  I can always find reasons to avoid driving in the snow.

I forgive myself for this lazy conclusion to the day.  I started off strong.  I will improve tomorrow and do better.  More reading, more community building and some socializing.  Enjoy your night!

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