I was feeling fantastic participating in the six-month aryuvedic program. I had eaten the one pot meals around the same time, daily. I had minimized my water intake while eating and instead tried to focus on digestion and removing toxins from my body. That is, until last Wednesday.
What happened on Wednesday you ask? Well, there is a gas leak in my building which I found out about at 1:45 pm. (Of course, I had a catering in an hour and fifteen minutes to consider). My landlord informed me that they would have to shut off the gas and hot water until the gas leak was fixed. She suggested that I shower if I needed to shower. That gas would be off for a minimum of two days.
Sounds terrific, right? Keep in mind the temperatures were hovering around twenty and on Thursday decreased to eight degrees. No heat. No opportunity to shower or cook food. I asked her if she would be rehousing us since the current situation was inhabitable. Her response--if you make me. She is unaffected since she has a separate gas line to her apartment. The rest of us tenants would have to freeze while the gas leak continued.
In addition, she told one of my neighbors that he could go to good will to purchase a space heater if he wanted to. He had requested some sort of relief to the cold. He told her that it was her responsibility to provide space heaters or some sort of relief. Think about that.... buy a used space heater. What could possibly go wrong? Instead of freezing in the apartment, electrical fires could burn the entire place down? Smart idea?!?!
Since Wednesday, I have been staying with a friend. I need to be able to function as an adult. I need access to showers and eating. And it is incredibly cold in my apartment. My landlord offered her place as a remedy to the cold. We could use a sleeping bag to sleep on the floor, use her shower and have some hot tea. It is incredulous that she suggests this as a solution. I feel like I am being treated like I am squatting when, in fact, I am paying rent. Rent to her which qualifies me to certain protections. Having access to heat, water, feeling safe/secure.
Due to that disruption of my routine and mental health, I have veered from the aryvdic program. I drank some wine with my friend, Brie. I have managed to heat healthy--some modifications. But, for the most part, I have followed the program. I have not drunk coffee in nine days which is huge in my world. I love coffee. Especially while working early morning events which happened on Thursday.
I participated in a group call which is another benefit of this program. Connecting with other women who are also attempting to reset their hormones with this program. They offer daily calls hosted by former participants. I was able to pop in but felt distracted. I didn't realize how much being uprooted from my apartment would affect me. I am fortunate to be at my friend's home, but I still lack the comfort of my routine or safety of the space I have created.
I know there will be days and weeks that will go well and other times when I will struggle. I am trying to be hopeful and realistic. Feeling grounded will help. I am hopeful that the gas leak gets fixed early next week. On Friday, the inspection failed which extended my stay at my friend's home. I wish I could do more for one of my neighbors. However, I do not feel comfortable asking my friend to allow him to shower at her house. And I don't agree with using the shower at my landlord's place. That is not a solution. She should be offering to put us up in housing until the gas leak is cleared. We pay her rent to live in a safe place with heating, access to water and other basic rights. This week proved challenging. Yet, I made a few modifications and feel decent about where I am at within the program. Sure, I could be doing more of the homework and eliminating wine. I need to improve on that, lol.