Tuesday, November 16, 2021

definition of success

I listened to a podcast earlier and the guy was questioning how people define their success.  He laid out ten principles that made him feel successful.  Financially, family, health and wellness, etc...I can maybe think of five.  Perhaps more, but definitely five.  

It sparked inspiration.  How do I define success?  
I do not lead a conventional lifestyle. I suppose that would be a tenet for me.  The ability to navigate life without adhering to the traditional garb--marriage, kids, white picket fence.  Upon reflection, I realize that my first belief of success relates to being able to purchase a beverage with a meal.  I grew up in a family of six.  Rarely did we go out to lunch or dinner.  If we did, we could order water.  More often than not, we would share items (for example, chinese food) and our choice of beverage was limited to water.  Dining out was the treat. We didn't need to spoil it by having a soda.

When I went to college and was able to order a glass of wine with lunch ***when I was 21*** I felt like I had arrived.  I was successful.  I could rely on myself.

Second tenet of success--my health.  I have good health and can enjoy it.  I am fortunate in this arena and I work at it.  I wake up, hydrate massive amounts of water and try to eat clean food.  Of course, I have cheat days and meals.  I drink wine.  It doesn't contribute to my success but it helps with my stress level and overall well-being.  Drinking wine is social, connecting people and enjoyable.

The ability to travel has always been a way I measure success.  Travel has been and will continue to be essential in my life.  I have slowed down due to the pandemic.  I haven't flown since March of 2020 which seems strange.  Just haven't been that inspired to go fly somewhere and encounter restrictions of where to go or where to eat.

I am successful (I think) with my friends and family.  I try to communicate as effectively as possible.  Most of the time, it isn't easy.  Hard conversations have to be had though if you truly want a friendship and/or relationship.  You cannot gloss over things that are important to you.  

Financially, I am healthy.  I could be better.  I know this.  Still, I have the flexibility to choose the path I am on.  Currently, a touch of struggle due to the uncertainty of where this leads.  But isn't that what makes it exciting?

I listened to another podcast and the guy mentioned that we all limit ourselves when we allow doubt to filter in.  It is so true and difficult to not let it filter in.  It starts small and sort of festers.  This pertains to my financial health.  I need to recognize that I am in a good place and can get better.

I believe in giving back to the community.  It is more rewarding to give anonymously or so I think.  Doing it with no tit for tat.  

How do you define success?  What inspires you?  How are your tenets of success unique to you and your lifestyle?  I could think more on it.  I am a tad bit distracted by my event this evening.  I wanted to write.  My morning was incredibly productive and then it slowed down at lunch.  I have tasks to manage before hosting a happy hour.  I need to focus on that!

Happy Tuesday.  As always--celebrate, enjoy and taste life~

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