Monday, August 21, 2023

Let's do This

Class tomorrow night.  Hey, Denver....join me!

I have great snacks prepared.... baba ghanoush, cowboy caviar, pineapple salad and cheese/crackers.  I love this session.  Combining two of the things I love.  Yoga and food.  Well, three things.  The building community component is pretty incredible.  6 pm.  3435 e 28th St in Denver.  Yoga.  Wine.  Light appetizers.

It is hotter than hades in Denver.  Well, at least in my apartment.  No air conditioning will do that.  In some ways, I suppose I am trying to improve the climate change.  Or that is what I am telling myself.  No, my landlady refuses to allow her tenants to enjoy comforts of air conditioning.  A complete racket and ridiculous.  I am sustaining and trying to make the best of it.

Today I posted a motivation post that was more authentic than I have been recently.  I have been struggling to identify what makes sense to me.  It has been convenient to rely on the service industry and what I know.  Work weekends for supplemental income.  I enjoy it.  I do.  Still, I know it could be better.  It should be better.  I could laser focus on making yoga work.

What is holding me back?

Isn't that a question that we all ask ourselves at some point?  Why stay in the comfortable lane?  Why listen to the convenient upbringing story we recite to ourselves?  Why not move forward?  Push out of the fog?

Think about it in your life.  Perhaps join me tomorrow for the Detox to Retox yoga session at 6.  Or consider the donation class at 9:30. Same studio space and opportunity to build community.  

Do something that you normally do not do.  Carve out your space and build a foundation.  We can do this!


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