Friday, August 13, 2010

Introducing Ipod #5...

I should name my ipods since I continue to buy them.
First one, my introduction to current technology, prompted by Pocketsize to enter this century, was stolen in Chile. By a fellow traveler, I might add. The thief was British and his had been taken in a different country. I guess he felt since he had experienced this injustice, it justified his decision to take my ipod. I was devastated. Trying to run, solo, and this theft derailed any hope of the running commitment. Thankfully, this occurred at the end of my trip. I didn't have to wait long to find ipod number two.
Ipod number two, I dropped while walking on Speer Blvd. Trying to multi-task, I was listening to my ipod, talking on the phone to Jan and holding my purchases from Whole Foods. Eventually, I realized that the ipod was missing. Hurriedly, I walked up and down Speer hoping to find my ipod. No luck.
Ipod #3....well, I was suckered by Target into a "deal"....not enough memory. I enjoyed the ITunes card though. I opted to gift this ipod to my sister, the fitness fanatic.
Ipod number four has been dropped too many times. It is broken. At this point, I am lucky to have it turn on. The other day, I couldn't turn the music down. That prompted me to puchase number five.
As such, in names, they would be....stolen, lost, gifted, broke and new. Sorta generic/basic, but this is how I will think of previous ones in memory. I hope that number five has a long life.
I needed a new ipod since I am running the Georgetown-Idaho Springs 1/2 Marathon tomorrow morning. I am running, solo, since the Goddess is busy this weekend. I am nervous to be going solo, but, excited too. I am ready! And, I needed an ipod to facilitate the run. I have no conversation partner and although I think/talk to myself while running, anyways, it will be nice to have background music to offset some of the internal conversation. Yes, I am constantly thinking. About life, work, travel, wine, food, travel, travel, travel. While running, I contemplate aches and/or pains, too. I try to quash those negative thoughts before they defeat my run.
Tomorrow is going to be an excellent day! New ipod. New day.

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