Friday, February 3, 2023

Routines, commitment and gratitude

Be kind.  Gratitude post.  Opportunity to promote kindness, graciousness, sharing.  

What are you thankful for today?  I managed a walk around City Park which I have been successfully neglecting the last week.  The snow has not helped.  It's been a huge nuisance and motivator to keep me indoors.  Tuesday, I ventured out to put up fliers and handle some upcoming yoga classes. Walking out of my alleyway and was aware of the snow.  Out of nowhere, I ended up flat on my ass!  Infuriating!  I sat up, confused and incredulous.  

Thankfully, the temperatures are increasing and enabling snow melt.  I intend to return to my routine of walking City Park.  It gives me time to listen to podcasts, reflect on things that are working in my life and consider how I can improve daily.  Movement is medicine.  And your health is your number one asset.  Some people might argue that finances are more important.  Yet, think about it this way--you can have mountains of money but if you aren't healthy, you cannot enjoy it.  

I listened to a podcast, earlier, about routine and habit.  The guest speaker noted that he was up, daily by 5 am.  At which point, he would get movement and mindfulness.  Mindfulness wasn't necessary guided meditation.  Rather, the opportunity to go inwards while running or enjoying his coffee.  I thought about my morning rituals.  Wake up.  Lemon water, use my juicer and make coffee.  I always make my bed and clean the juicer before sitting down to enjoy the juice.  I also take vitamins/supplements.  I have been spacing them out through the day to avoid the vitamin overload.  You know?  That slightly nauseous feeling that takes time to shake.  I am not a huge fan of feeling yucky.  Spacing out the vitamins throughout the day has helped.  

There are other things in my life that I could improve on.  I hope to create more of that balance in my life.  I tend to be excessive with friends or when I go to Santa Fe.  My routine could definitely improve.  More to-do lists established at night.  Setting me up for the most success instead of floundering or choosing to play hooky.  It is way too easy.

My bathroom door is finally getting fixed.  It's only been eight and a half months.  I am patient about most things when it comes to my apartment.  I find it easier to avoid then talk to my landlord.  She means well (I want to believe this) but is not the best executor of plans.  I have several examples.  When I first moved in and she entered my apartment without my permission, proceeded to take my toilet apart and tell me that I could ask my neighbors if I could use their bathroom when I needed to go.  It took a week for them to replace the toilet.  I stayed with Sara Jo during that chaotic time.  Or the time she entered my apartment at 6 am on a Monday since she couldn't sleep.  My downstairs neighbor had called her about a leak in his apartment on Sunday.  Instead of contacting me on Sunday, she took it upon herself to walk into my apartment at 6 a.m.  It totally violated my privacy and freaked me out. I still have visions of what that could have been.

I am thankful it is getting fixed.  Along with the washer, the front door and a few other projects.  I think she lacks the desire to stay with the upkeep required of being a building manager.  Still, thankful for today.

As mentioned above, I need to get back on a better routine.  Walking daily.  Or running.  Journaling.  Meditating.  Taking time for reflection and opportunities to improve.  Truly making it my best life.

Day number one of walking city park.  I am determined to keep it going.  In spite of choices, I make.  I am committed to my health and gratitude.  Make it a great day and beginning to your weekend~

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