Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday musings

Happy Hump Day!  It is almost over. Still, I wanted to return to writing and being consistent.  Seriously, I go in phases and then I completely get distracted with life.  Lunch dates, happy hour meet ups, work, zoom calls.  All of these things contribute to me delaying writing, journaling or meditating.

Speaking of zoom calls, last night I had a meet up with my sisters and two of my cousins that I have not seen or spoken to in thirty years. It is incredible to note that amount of time with no contact and the ease with seeing them on line.  I hope we can connect and create some sort of relationship. One of my cousins lives in Vietnam, ironically.  She moved there in 2016.  The year that I visited.  Shari and I spent time in Hanoi and Hoi An and my cousin lives in Saigon.  I have wanted to return to explore more of Vietnam.  Maybe this could work out.

Originally, I had planned on teaching a live class on IG today but chose against it when the time arrived.  I wanted to meditate on it and see how I felt.  It has been building traction up until last week.  I waited for people to join and after fifteen minutes, I closed out the class. I know I am on the right path and will continue.  Sometimes, I only need a break to assess my options.  

I tamped down my desire to get sushi after last week.  I had walked into the nearby spot in the middle of the afternoon. I walked in and the staff was all seated, enjoying their lunch. I didn't want to interrupt that day and so I left.  Today, I could have made lunch but sushi sounded too good to pass up.  A little unagi, philadelphia roll and black pepper tuna.  I returned home to read part of my finance mindset book and cleaned my apartment.  That is another task that I tend to delay.  As much as I despise cleaning, I still refuse to pay someone else to do it.  I think I have always been that way.  Determined to handle tasks that I should instead of paying someone.  I remember Brian always having his clothes laundered and I thought it was a waste of money.  He felt different.  His time was valuable and instead of cleaning his clothes, he would pay someone and it saved him time.  In that regard, that makes sense.  It truly does.  I will continue to clean my apartment.

I leave for the southeast in a week.  Epic adventure 2022!  I am excited to take a much needed road trip, gain perspective and see friends.  It has been too long since I have traveled anywhere besides Kansas and Santa Fe.  It is time to change that.

I hope you have a lovely rest of your Wednesday.  Cheers!

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