Saturday, June 15, 2013

irritations due to yoga

Thursday, I realized that my gracilis was tweaked, again.  Damn yoga!  I took a few days off, hopeful, that I had waited long enough to heal.  I continued with my yoga practice and the other day I sensed an irritation.  I've avoided the pose that created this issue but there are others that stress the gracilis.  I should have pulled back the other day instead of powering through it.
I called my massage place, hoping, to set up a massage with the injury specialist.  He was unable to see me until Monday.  I arranged an appointment and then canceled it.  I thought I could benefit from a different therapist on Friday instead of waiting from Monday.  I should have waited.  Brittney is great but she isn't an injury specialist.  I relaxed and enjoyed the massage but the necessary manipulation to help me wasn't there.  She handed me water, chocolate and biofreeze which I knew would aid the healing practice.  I came home and started up the heating pad and took a night off.
Today, I spring cleaned my house.  It was long overdue and found my passport in the process.  I cannot believe that I had no clue as to where that particular item was located.  It is one of my prized possessions and I, normally, keep it close.  I arranged another massage for Monday and will continue to use the heating pad/biofreeze for the next few days.
I have been dreaming of travel and after two trips to Paso Robles, know, that I adore it there.  I spent a few weekends there in May.  Once for a half marathon in Santa Barbara and the other time I attended a beer fest.  The weather is similar to Phoenix (meaning it's 103+) but it's so much more rural.  I love being surrounded by vines, fruit, vegetables.  It's laid back and approachable.  I hope to return in August to visit again.  My trip to Italy fell apart.  It seemed, rush, though, and so I am not that disappointed.  And, if I went to Italy, I would have to see Agnese and Renatto.  It's a must do.  The itinerary did not include that option and so it just wasn't the time to fly abroad.
Moreover, I had misplaced my passport til today.  I kept thinking I will find it today.  Only to put it off til weeks went by.  I was thankful that the trip got canceled as I couldn't remember my passport number and didn't know if that would be part of the criteria of booking a flight.  One year, it was mandatory to include the passport number when booking the trip.  I was uncertain if that would be a requirement.
So, the last few weeks, I have been preoccupied with Paso Robles, yoga, work and trying to figure out my summer trip.  Next month, I will be in Oregon to see my sisters and wine taste.  I would love to go somewhere, abroad, this year but don't know if it will happen.  I seem to be easily distracted.  I realize that my posting has decreased and it isn't like I don't want to write about my life  I just haven't been traveling as often.  Live in the day is my mantra.  I must return to that aspect of my life and write about it.
I am off to work in Dante's Inferno (my way, affectionately, of referring to Phoenix).

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