Monday, February 2, 2009

25 world renowned needs while traveling

First of need a desire to travel. And then, I suppose a destination to go to or multiple destinations. I think everyone should travel. I support it and I wish I could do it more often.
I remember reading guide books with suggestions on what to bring. I think that you should make it work for you. I did.
I started out with 8 books that I was lugging around. Traveling gives you a lot of time to occupy. I embraced the thinking aspect, but also needed to be stimulated in terms of books. I refused to buy books since they were ridiculously expensive. I would trade out with fellow travelers or rummage through the hostel's collection. Sometimes, there were only German books or books that were in terrible condition or that I had no desire to read. I would still try to read them, though.
I am off point here. I guess my 25 of what you need or what you will encounter should begin now.
1. Money. Everyone needs it at some point and it is nice to have cash as opposed to just cards.
2. Travlers checks but not heavily invested in them. It can be difficult to find a good exchange rate in today's world, relying on these alone.
3. Debit/credit card--a must.
4. Bandaids. You would be surprised at how many you will go through if you are traveling for an extended amount of time. I traded in my nicks on my hands for scrapes on my feet. The beach is lovely, but not injury proof.
5. Books, not guidebooks. You can always consult the internet or other travelers for information/maps/etc. Books are a must though. I carried up to 6 while traveling. I didn't bring guide books outside of Fiji and Australia. I mooched off of others for pertinent info. I had to have my fiction, though.
6. Journal. You will write a lot.
7. Camera--very, very obvious reasons for wanting this.
8. charger for camera if digital. I considered a normal camera but what do you do with the film?
9. Trainers--or tennis shoes. I walked everywhere and engaged in running. It was time consuming and necessary.
10. first aid kit--I should have invested in a better one. I saw many with everything and it makes sense. You want to protect yourself and have what is comfortable from home.
11. Alleve, emergen-C, lotion.
13. Hats or just one.
14. Combination locks which are more for your well-being or state of mind. My locks did not prevent the theft of my ipod or money, however.
15. IPOD. IPOD. IPOD. I love mine. I wanted it on all flights/bus rides.
16. Travel pillow for flying, bus rides, etc.
17. Rain coat
18. a photo of your life from home or something that will bring you happiness when sad and lonely.
19. a pair of pants. I didn't bring them and if you know me, this is understandable. I am a freak about wearing shorts, year round. I think I own two pairs of jeans and that is all. However, if I engage in another world wide tour, I am bringing pants.
20. a nice skirt or dress. It is nice to go to nice places in comfortable clothes.
21. travel towel that you will always use.
22. day pack for smaller items that you cannot lose and will always want to have with you.
23. detergent. I washed a lot of my clothes instead of paying someone else to do them.
24. bathing suits, plural. I almost wrecked mine in the mud baths in Fiji--first part of my trip.
25. an open mind and sense of adventure. Being okay with letting things be and not trying to force them into what you know. I had the worst curry of my life in Fiji while watching a Britney Spears A & E special. It was awful and full of bones. Plus, I was the only American in the joint. Why must I watch this crap?
Being positive helps. There are many things that I encountered that I could not control. I met some amazing people and felt truly free in life.
I could edit, reedit and make it better or just post it. I could expand it too. I think you should carry plastic bags and your passport of course that should be #1 on my list.

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